Concatenate tables from different experiements


I am trying to take waves from one project and concatenate them onto the same type of wave in another experiment. I tried saving a table of the waves as delimited text but once I load those waves in the other project an error pops up because the waves have the same name. Do you know the best strategy to go about this??

Hello Elaina,

You can use the LoadData operation to directly load a wave from another experiment; there is no need to save the wave as a text file. When you use LoadData you should try the /O flag which will overwrite a previous wave of the same name in the current data folder (I'm assuming here that you will Execute LoadData followed by Concatenate for each wave that you want to import.

I hope this helps,

WaveMetrics, Inc.
Choose Data->Data Browser and click the Browse Expt button. This does the same thing as the LoadData operation from the command line.

Once the data is loaded into the current experiment, you can use the Concatenate operation, as AG (a.k.a., Igor) said. For help on Concatenate, execute this:
DisplayHelpTopic "Concatenate"