How to create 2D Gaussian noise
Do you have any idea how to do it? I know gnoise can create 1D Gaussian noise, but it seems Igor does not have any function creating 2D Gaussian noise.
Edit mat
NewImage mat
mat = p // Set each element to its row number
mat = q // Set each element to its column number
mat = p + 10*q // Set each element to a combination of its row and column number
mat = x + 10*y // Initially x and y are the same as p and q
SetScale/P x -1, 1, "", mat // Change meaning of x for wave mat. x starts at -1 and steps by 1.
SetScale/P y -1, 1, "", mat // Change meaning of y for wave mat. y starts at -1 and steps by 1.
mat = x + 10*y // Now x and y are different from p and q
Redimension/N=(100,100) mat
SetScale x -3, 3, "", mat // Make x go from -3 to 3
SetScale y -3, 3, "", mat // Make y go from -3 to 3
mat = gauss(x, 0, 1, y, 0, 1)
I believe your Y1 and Y2 are equivalent to scaled row and columns indices which in Igor wave assignment statements are represented by x and y.
For more on wave assignment statements, execute:
May 12, 2011 at 10:10 pm - Permalink
In general, if you don't have a specific noise function you could use the Rejection method (see e.g., Numerical Recipes 3rd Ed. Chapter 7 or which only requires that you have an expression for your distribution and access to enoise().
The expression that you provide corresponds to a 2D Gaussian with zero correlation between the two dimensions. As such you could obtain such distribution from a product of two distributions (one for each dimension). The extra complication is that gnoise() is centered at zero so you need to add an offset. For example, to get a Gaussian distribution centered around mu1 with standard deviation sigma1 you would use mu1+gnoise(sigma1).
It is not clear to me what you mean by a "2D variable (Y1, Y2)". I expect that the answer to that would be to create two 1D waves such that the first corresponds to Y1 and the second to Y2:
Make/O/N=(someNumber) Y1,Y2
In this case the normalized joint-histogram of the two waves will have the desired distribution.
WaveMetrics, Inc.
May 13, 2011 at 10:16 am - Permalink
variable mu1, sigma1, mu2, sigma2
make /o/n=100000 data1=mu1+gnoise(sigma1), data2=mu2+gnoise(sigma2)
make /o/n=(50,50) myHist
setscale x,mu1-3*sigma1, mu1+3*sigma1,myHist//set histogram limits to mu +/- 3 sigma
setscale y,mu2-3*sigma2,mu2+3*sigma2, myHist
See see for the JointHistogram function. If the 2D joint Gaussian variables are correlated, the procedure is more complicated, but doable.
May 13, 2011 at 11:00 am - Permalink
#include<Bivariate Histogram>
#include<Bivariate Histogram 2>
function BIVAR(vN, rho)
variable vN, rho // number of samples, correlation coefficient
variable/G vNG = vN
variable/G rhoG = rho
WAVE BivariateHistWave
variable sig1sq = 1 + rho// variance for independent x1
variable sig2sq = 1 - rho// variance for independent x2
make/O/N=(vN) x1, x2, Y1, Y2
x1 = gnoise(sqrt(sig1sq))// Gaussian random generator
x2 = gnoise(sqrt(sig2sq))
Y1 = ( x1 + x2 ) / sqrt(2)// joint (CORRELATED) data
Y2 = ( x1 - x2 ) / sqrt(2)// obeying given pdf
BiHistSetBins(Y1, Y2, 201, -5, 0.05, 201, -5, 0.05, "BivariateHistWave")
BivariateHistWave = log(BivariateHistWave)
BivariateHistWave = numtype(BivariateHistWave[p][q])==1 ? -0.1:bivariatehistwave[p][q]//change -inf's to -0.1
Note that for display purposes, I have plotted the log of the histogram values. The graph recreation procedure for displaying the histogram is (be careful with possible line wraps)
PauseUpdate; Silent 1 // building window...
Display /W=(264,48.5,594,353.75)
AppendImage BivariateHistWave
ModifyImage BivariateHistWave ctab= {*,*,Grays,1}
ModifyGraph height={Aspect,1}
ModifyGraph grid=2
ModifyGraph mirror=2
ModifyGraph lblMargin(left)=6
ModifyGraph standoff=0
ModifyGraph lblRot(left)=-90
Label left "R\\B2"
Label bottom "R\\B1"
SetAxis left -5,5
SetAxis bottom -5,5
TextBox/C/N=text0/F=0/H=50/A=MT/X=-4.59/Y=7.02/E "Bivariate Histogram with \\{vNG} samples, \\F'Symbol' r\\]0 =\\{rhoG}"
AppendText "\\JC( log\\B10\\M scaling, white = 0 unscaled bin content)"
ColorScale/C/N=text1/F=0/H=50/A=RC/X=3.41/Y=-4.22/E image=BivariateHistWave
A typical graph is attached, from executing
May 14, 2011 at 06:17 am - Permalink
variable sigma,corr_range,dat_range,m,n // m = # obs. points, n = # trials
make /d/o/n=(m,m) corrmat // correlation matrix
variable corr_range1 = corr_range*m/(2*dat_range) // convert from x-units to points
corrmat = exp(-abs(p-q)/corr_range1) // exponential kernel
MatrixOp /o Cholesky=chol(corrmat) // Cholesky decomposition
Make /free/n=(n,m) uncorr=gnoise(1) // uncorrelated data
MatrixOp /o corrnoise = uncorr x Cholesky // generate the n correlated RVs
MatrixOp /o corrtest = syncCorrelation(corrnoise) // check that RVs have right cov
corrnoise *= sigma // scale noise by sigma
SetScale/I x -dat_range,dat_range,"", corrnoise, corrmat,corrtest
See Numerical Recipes or wikipedia: [under Monte Carlo]
John Bechhoefer
Department of Physics
Simon Fraser University
Burnaby, BC, Canada
May 20, 2011 at 07:55 pm - Permalink