Interaction between Line Profiles and a Cursor

Hello ,

I'm trying to design a litte GUI to extract the Horizontal and Vertical line profiles of an image. I'd like these profiles to update when I scroll a slider, or when I move the cursor on the image. Reciprocally, I'd like the slider to move when I move the cursor.

Is it possible to do so in a smart way, that is to say by extracting the right column and row, corresponding to the current values of (x,y) given by the horizontal and vertical sliders, and/or by the Cursor on the image ?

I think the image transform is appropriate for this job, isn't it ?

imagetransform /G=CurrentColumn getcol MyImage

Thank you,

Hello Nasser,

You might find it more flexible to use the newer:

MatrixOP/O theCol=col(myImage,colNumber)

Connecting cursors to a slider would require that you use a window hook to set the position of the slider to match the cursor (see SetWindow operation for more information) and to move the cursor in response to a change in the slider position you can simply use the Cursor operation.

I think it is worth noting that simple cursors are not ideal for this application because you seem to be selecting a whole row or a whole column. In this case I recommend using something like the cross-cursors as implemented in the Image Particle.ipf (in WaveMetrics Procedures:Image Processing).

I hope this helps,

WaveMetrics, Inc.
Hello A.G.,

Thank you for the info. I'm going to test what you have suggested.

Best Regards

you might also consider looking into GraphWaveEdit and friends. This allows you to move the endpoints of a 1D wave with the mouse on a graph.
So you add a 1D wave with two points to the image, call GraphWaveEdit and move the endpoints of this trace with the mouse. After you have finished moving it you call GraphWaveNormal.
Using a dependency on this 1D-wave and ImageLineProfile lets you then interactively calculate the profile with an arbitrary width and not restricted to horizontal and vertical.

Thank you,

I'm trying to understand the dependencies (I'd like to display the current values, and when I use "ValDisplay", it returns an error because I am not allowed to "use a local variable in a dependency formula"...

        ValDisplay valdisp_Pos_vert value=DF(Pos_vert_SliderValue)

EDIT: It's OK, no need (I think) to use dependencies.

        ValDisplay valdisp_Pos_vert value=_NUM:DF(Pos_vert_SliderValue)

And I've moved this into the Slider procedure, so that it's updated when I change the value.

Best Regards