Integration step too small for ODE equation


I'm using IntegrateODE to fit a binding curve in a titration experiment. The general solution for the differential equation with respect to the amount titrated is shown in the image. However, the integrator shows the following error: "integration step size has gotten too small", even when I don't have any parameters set for the error tolerance. I've also tried using different methods (\M=(1..3)) with a similar outcome.

I've been able to work around it by solving the product of the polynomials on the numerator that follows Mt and then multiply everything by Sum(betai * xj)2, but at the moment I'm limited to polynomials of degree 2 and 3 (j=2,3)

1) Does anyone have an idea on how to get around the "step size" issue so that I can leave the polynomial in its native form ?

2) I've been reading on how to implement matrices to solve this problem, but this has been a dead end so far. Does anyone know of a simple problem that uses matrices to fit partition functions of this type?


Isaac H.
iherrera wrote:

1) Does anyone have an idea on how to get around the "step size" issue so that I can leave the polynomial in its native form ?

It depends on exactly why the step size has gotten too small. Polynomials can be quite difficult to compute, since x^j can get very large or very small when X is even modestly different from 1. You may be having trouble with numerical stability, in which case the only solution is to find a more stable way to compute the polynomials, or you might have to use normalized values of x to keep them in a range around 1.

I can't tell if your system is stiff just by looking at the equation; if it is, it should have yielded to /M=3. My bet is on numerical instability.

If you can't make progress, you could send me an Igor experiment containing your code and commands to run IntegrateODE.

John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.
Thanks John,

I was able to obtain better results by normalizing like you mentioned. I divided two of the polynomials by x, so now I have x*(Sum(j*beta_j * x^(j-1)))^2 and Sum(j^2*beta_j * x^(j-1)) as part of my differential equation. This will allow me to implement a function for self generating polynomials in cases where j>3. I'll send you my experiment if I run into a dead end again.

My guess is that IntegrateODE doesn't handle well equations of the type dx/dy= 1/(1+g(x)/f(x)) when you can write a similar equation that looks like dx/dy = f(x)/(f(x)+g(x)).

iherrera wrote:
My guess is that IntegrateODE doesn't handle well equations of the type dx/dy= 1/(1+g(x)/f(x)) when you can write a similar equation that looks like dx/dy = f(x)/(f(x)+g(x)).

I don't think it's IntegrateODE that has the problem- it's just floating-point arithmetic on a computer. If g(x)/f(x) is very small, because of the limited resolution of digital floating-point numbers, you lose precision when you add it to 1. The alternate form may be more robust numerically.

John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.