Gizmo 3D slizer adjust color scale

I am trying to create a Gizmo plot containing several slices through a volumetric data set.
Using the 3D slicer I managed to do this so far, but I failed to adjust the color scale of the slices. If I make a double click on the slice in the Object List shown in the Gizmo Info window, a new window opens where the color table can be changed. Just changing the Color Table from the drop down list works. But if I now try to change the details of the Color Table by clicking on "Details" and specify the "First Color at:" and "Last Color at:", this has unfortunately no effect.
Is this feature not working in general, or do I have to change something else to make this work? Also the "Color Table Span:" does not do anything (although I don't really know what this should exactly do, anyway).
I also tried to create a Color Wave myself using the "ModifyGizmo makeColorWave = {img, YellowHot,0 }" but if I load this wave as color scale, the slice just disappears completely in my Gizmo plot...
Or is there another way to get slices through a volume dataset with adjustabel color scales?
Thanks a lot for your help!
This particular feature is not applicable to arbitrary slices as these surfaces are colored based on values and not on the X, Y, Z range that are normally used with the top and bottom colors. Because of performance reasons only the standard color-table choices are available for these types of surfaces.
If you want to create a graph with full control of the color assignment I suggest creating the corresponding parametric surface(s) and applying your choice of color wave. There are several examples of parametric surfaces under File Menu->Example Experiments->Visualization (e.g., GizmoSphere). Feel free to contact me directly if you are not sure how to proceed.
WaveMetrics, Inc.
January 31, 2011 at 10:21 am - Permalink
thanks for your quick response. Finally I managed to get what I need. It actually does work if you choose "Volumne Data" from the "Color Table Span" drop-down menu. Then the values for "First Color at:" and "Last Color at:" do exactly what they should do.
PS: The attached jpeg is the image I created with Gizmo. It shows a four-dimensional photoelectron spectroscopy dataset (I, kx, ky, E) of a W(110) sample.
February 9, 2011 at 06:42 am - Permalink