Stacked xy scatter plots

I would like to create a series of stacked xy scatter plots from time-stamped data. For example, most of the data is periodic over days to weeks, and I would l like to isolate each day in a plot and have a number of those plots on the same page to view simultaneously.

I'm new to Igor, but I'm sure there is a way to do this manually. I am hoping that there is an 'easy' way to get it done automatically. I do this a lot, so a function that could take 24-hour periods and produce a bunch of plots would be great and very useful.

Any suggestions?

In fact, I'm willing to hire someone to create a package for me to do this. [Hope this isn't a forbidden thing to discuss here...]

The way I usually approach a task like that is to put something together manually, then figure out how to generalize it to a function that will do it for any input. The recreation macro is a great resource for that.

It sounds to me like what you want would not be hard for an experienced Igor user, but getting all the pieces together is probably challenging for a new user.

It sounds like you're describing a plot that has multiple XY plots stacked to show sequential days from a single data set. Is that correct? For such a plot, perhaps the basic part that you're missing would be the ability to plot a subset of a wave:
Display MyYWave[pointForDay1, pointForDay2]

Display MyYWave[pointForDay1, pointForDay2] vs MyXWave[pointForDay1, pointForDay2]

In fact, I'm willing to hire someone to create a package for me to do this. [Hope this isn't a forbidden thing to discuss here...]

I don't think it's forbidden. In fact, I might be your man. If you want to pursue this, we can discuss it off-line.

John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.