V_ModificationDate from Loaded files

So right now I have a function set up to load files over and over again until I hit cancel. It then concatenates each wave to a set wave and then kills them leaving me with one single large wave for each column of data.

The problem I am having is that the time data from the files are only in seconds of a day, so if I wanted to plot a weeks worth of data it will plot the seven days on top of each other instead of according to the day they were taken.

After reading the help I saw that they had the get GetFileFolderInfo function that allows you to obtain the Modification Date. The only thing wrong with that is you have to input the location of the file to do that. So I want to know how to take the wave I just loaded and insert its path into the GeFileFolderInfo function

Something like this:
Function GetFilesandInfo()
        if (V_flag == 0)        // Break if user hit the cancel button.
    GetFileFolderInfo/Z "File That I Just Loaded"
    if( V_Flag == 0 && V_isFile )   // file exists
        Print Secs2Date(V_modificationDate,0)     
                Duplicate TimeAll, TimeOld
        Killwaves TimeOld
    Concatenate/NP {wave0}, TimeAll
    Killwaves wave0
         //.... etc. for more waves