Is there a way to get a style macro for factory-default graphs?

I would like to generate a style macro for the "factory" defaults of Igor, i.e., the style of a fresh graph without any preferences applied. Reason: I would like to generate code to reset graphs to plain defaults. Is there a command or list somewhere? Otherwise I can only think of writing down all possible settings and their defaults down manually (e.g., by playing with the Modify Graph dialog)...
you know that you can turn preferences off, right?
Preferences/Q 0
maybe recreate the graph from a window macro without applying any modifygraph commands?
March 16, 2025 at 02:36 am - Permalink
Thanks, I didn't know about the preferences command. But this is only tangentially related to my problem. I would like to have a style macro which contains the factory defaults (a style macro for the current preferences settings would also be nice). Then I could build a toolset to reset certain elements of a graph, e.g., axis related settings.
Saving a graph recreation macro, filtering this macro for the relevant commands and then rebuilding the graph with this subset would certainly be an option. But I fear that this will lead to all kinds of issues with certain packages, such as Transform Axes. A simple style macro with "defaults" is a less brutal approach.
March 16, 2025 at 02:05 pm - Permalink
You can get the default for a trace by appending a trace to a graph (with preferences off) and using TraceInfo to get most of the default settings:
•make data=x;display data
•print traceinfo("","",0)
March 28, 2025 at 08:39 pm - Permalink
Jim, thank you. Do you also have an option for the graph itself (axes, margins etc.?). I guess there is also no way of programmatically knowing which prefs. are captured at the moment other than plotting a dummy trace in a new graph, quickly grabbing the style macro and then destroying the graph again?
March 28, 2025 at 11:18 pm - Permalink