Sharing Igor Pro code on official sites

Scientific funding agencies are now putting strong emphasis on sharing codes developed with their support on sites that they endorse. I am sure that many participants in this Forum have faced this issue regarding their Igor code. I have noticed that some code depositories, such as IEEE Code Ocean, allow you to upload computer languages, but I wouldn't know how to do it for the case of Igor. Anybody wants to share their experiences?
I'm not familiar with IEEE Code Ocean, but to make code available, I use GitHub. It is possible to trigger a release of your code from GitHub to Zenodo in order to mint a DOI that can be referenced by you or anyone else using your code. Typically, it would be a standalone project, i.e. an ipf file in the case of Igor. Or, a repo might be a collation of procedure files, perhaps some data (or maybe that is kept somewhere else), scripts for other languages but all associated with a single paper or project.
August 22, 2024 at 01:56 pm - Permalink
I would second @sjr51 suggestion, that's what I've had to do in the past for journals and it's worked pretty well.
August 27, 2024 at 04:47 pm - Permalink