Maintain syntax highlighting for user functions in history window

The pinkish color as syntax highlighting for user functions that came in IP9 (or 8?) is a great feature, however, when saving, closing and reopening a pxp file, the color disappears from the history window, i.e. it reverts to black. Only new user function calls from now on are shown in color. 

I wish old function calls would be highlighted as well, as I often browse through the history to re-execute commands. Is there something that can be done about that, or did I miss a setting that re-initiates the syntax highlighting during loading? 

I noticed that as well. I could imagine this either way: a) Igor cannot determine if the function you have called still exists (searching for every word in the history and matching this with every function in every procedure might be slow), thus the text remains black and b) Igor should save the color together with the history text to remain consistent. I could understand why b) is not done out of consistency (the history is traditionally saved as plain text) and size concerns. It sure would be nice, indeed. Dynamic highlighting sure works fine for procedure windows, so it might be possible for the history as well.

It looks like this is happening because the history is getting printed out prior to Igor's code model being updated for the first time when an experiment loads. This should be a relatively simple fix for Igor 10, I'll make a ticket for it.