Igor Pro 6.20 (32-bit) Released

Learn more about the new features here:
(The Japanese version of Igor 6.20 will be released soon, and the Windows-only 64-bit version has been updated to 6.20B05.)
As always, choose "Updates for Igor" from Igor's help menu to point your web browser to the download links, or use the direct links below.
IGOR Pro 6.2 is available as a free update to licensed users of the English version IGOR Pro 6.0 and later:
• Windows users of IGOR Pro 6.1 may download the IGOR Pro 6.1 to 6.2 updater:
• Windows users of IGOR Pro 6.0 should run the IGOR Pro 6.2 installer after uninstalling IGOR Pro 6.0:
• Macintosh users of IGOR Pro 6.0 or 6.1 should download the IGOR Pro 6.2 installer:
Note: The price of a single-user IGOR Pro 6.2 license is now $595 ($435 academic) plus shipping. See our multi-user pricing page for additional pricing and our our order pages to purchase upgrades from versions of IGOR Pro earlier than 6.0:
Does this mean that version 6 of the toolkit has been released, or that a beta version is available?
September 15, 2010 at 05:30 am - Permalink
We haven't publicly released a beta version, but if you email support@wavemetrics.com asking for the beta we'll send you a download link.
September 15, 2010 at 08:27 am - Permalink
XOP Toolkit 6 now released!
--Jim Prouty
Software Engineer, WaveMetrics, Inc.
October 27, 2010 at 03:59 pm - Permalink