How to apply an RGB color wave to a surface plot.

Hi All

I am having trouble with how to change the color of the surface plot of a 2D matrix wave (MxN).

Igor has preset colors for Surface plots, but I want to apply color waves from ColorWaveTables to Surface plots instead of preset colors.

The manual notes that the MxN 2D wave requires the MxNx4 color wave, but I can't find out how to make the three-column RGB color wave the type of wave to apply to Surface Plot.

I want to use spectral colors for Surface Plot, but what should I do?

Thank you


It seems like you are talking about Gizmo plots. In that case I have written a small function which creates a 4D color wave out of one of the preset tables:

function GizmoColorWave(wave in [,string colors ,int logColor, int fromZero, variable alpha])
    variable doLog  = ParamIsDefault(logColor) ? 0 : logColor
    variable doZero = ParamIsDefault(fromZero) ? 0 : fromZero
    variable doAlpha= ParamIsDefault(alpha) ? 1 : limit(alpha, 0, 1)
    string colorListName = "Rainbow"
    if (!ParamIsDefault(colors) && WhichListItem(colors,CTabList())>-1)
        colorListName = colors
    ColorTab2Wave $colorListName; wave M_colors
    int i,j, num = DimSize(M_colors,0)-1
    WaveStats/Q in; variable wMax = V_max, wMin = V_min*(doZero>0)
    Make/O/N=(DimSize(in,0),DimSize(in,1),4) $(NameOfWave(in)+"_color")/Wave=colorW=doAlpha
    for (i=0; i<DimSize(in,0); i++)
        for (j=0; j<DimSize(in,1); j++)
            variable whichColor
            if (doLog)
                whichColor = log((in[i][j]-wMin)/(wMax-wMin)*9+1)
                whichColor = (in[i][j]-wMin)/(wMax-wMin)
            whichColor = numtype(whichColor) != 0 ? 0 : whichColor
            whichColor = round(whichColor*num)
            colorW[i][j][0,2] = M_colors[whichColor][r]/65535
    KillWaves/Z M_colors

Use as:


At least this should give you an idea how to create your own color-table waves.

Gizmo supports the creation of color waves using the ModifyGizmo command with:

makeColorWave={srcWave, cTabName, isInverse }

Here is an example:

Newgizmo/junk=2   // creates the wave ddd
Modifygizmo makeColorWave={ddd, Spectrum, 0 }  // use the Spectrum color table
// The created color wave is called ddd_c.  It is applied using the
// following two commands:
ModifyGizmo ModifyObject=sampleSurface,objectType=surface,property={ surfaceColorType,3}
ModifyGizmo ModifyObject=sampleSurface,objectType=surface,property={ surfaceColorWave,root:ddd_C}

I hope this helps,


Hi All


Thank you for sharing Igor macro.
Here's a question: What should I input into 'AcolotTableNameString' in this macro?

Thank you for the useful information.
This method converts CTablist colors into waves.
One more question, is there a way to make any Nx3 color wave apply to Gizmo Surface Plot?

I want to apply colors not bult-in Igor, which is not in CTablist, to Surface Plot, but I just can't figure out how to do it.
For example, could I apply the color wave from ColorTableWave to the Surface Plot?


Thank you



Color_wave.png (1.78 MB)

AColorTableNameString was meant to be a string containing a name of a supported color table, such as "Rainbow". But anyway, it seems you want to use your own color wave. For this, I have slightly modified my script:


function GizmoColorWave(wave in ,wave colors [,int logColor, int fromZero, variable alpha])
    variable doLog  = ParamIsDefault(logColor) ? 0 : logColor
    variable doZero = ParamIsDefault(fromZero) ? 0 : fromZero
    variable doAlpha= ParamIsDefault(alpha) ? 1 : limit(alpha, 0, 1)
    int i,j, num = DimSize(colors,0)-1
    WaveStats/Q in; variable wMax = V_max, wMin = V_min*(doZero>0)
    Make/O/N=(DimSize(in,0),DimSize(in,1),4) $(NameOfWave(in)+"_color")/Wave=colorW=doAlpha
    for (i=0; i<DimSize(in,0); i++)
        for (j=0; j<DimSize(in,1); j++)
            variable whichColor
            if (doLog)
                whichColor = log((in[i][j]-wMin)/(wMax-wMin)*9+1)
                whichColor = (in[i][j]-wMin)/(wMax-wMin)
            whichColor = numtype(whichColor) != 0 ? 0 : whichColor
            whichColor = round(whichColor*num)
            colorW[i][j][0,2] = colors[whichColor][r]/65535


Run as follows:

GizmoColorWave(yourPlottedData, YourColorWave)

The optional settings are:

  • logColor = select color for a logarithmic plot
  • fromZero = color from zero and not from the data minimum
  • alpha = alpha (transparency) value between 0 and 1

The provided color wave must contain values from 0 to 65535.

Thank you!
That was exactly what I wanted to do.
I really appreciate your help.