Split and Shuttle Wave Order


I am attempting to generate a function that will take the list of waves on a plot, split them in half, and then integrate the top half and bottom half. Similar to this:





I am a bit stumped on the best way to go about this. I have a script from a previous colleague used to flip the order of traces on a graph and have attempted to modify it but have not been successful. 


Any tips or tricks on how to go about this would be greatly appreciated.



Function ShuffleSort()  // Mix bottom half of waves into top half
    String Traces = TraceNameList("",",",1) 
    String TopTraces = Traces
    if( strlen(Traces) )
        Traces= ReverseList(Traces, ",")
        Traces= RemoveEnding(Traces, ",")
        String cmd="ReorderTraces _front_,{"+traces+"}"
        Execute cmd
Function/S ReverseList(list, sep)
    String list
    String sep
    Variable i, n = ItemsInList(list, sep)
    String reversed=""
    for (i = 0; i < n; i += 1)
        String item=StringFromList(n - 1 - i,list, sep)
        reversed += item + sep
    return reversed


I'm sure there's a more elegant way to do this, but I think this should get you there. It basically iterates over the second half of the trace list and reorders them one at a time into the first half. For code like this where the logic can be hard to read, it helps to step through the code in the debugger, and have it print out the reordered trace list each time through the loop. 

Function ShuffleSort()  // Mix bottom half of waves into top half
    String Traces = TraceNameList("",",",1)   
    Variable nTraces = ItemsInList(Traces, ",")
    Variable middleTrace = ceil(nTraces / 2)
    Variable i
    for (i = 0 ;i < middleTrace - 1; ++i)
        String middleTraceName = StringFromList(middleTrace + i, Traces, ",")
        ReorderTraces $StringFromList(i + 1, Traces, ","), {$middleTraceName}



here is a quick stab at a function that makes use of listtotextwave and point shuffling and assuming that the list in is semi-colon separated.


function/T rearrange(string listin)
    wave/T temp= listToTextWave(listin,";")
    duplicate/O/T temp ,temp2
    temp2[0,;2]= temp[floor(p/2)]//set even points
    temp2[1,;2]= temp[floor(numpnts(temp)/2)+floor(p/2)]//set odd points
    string listout
    wfprintf listout,"%s;",temp2
    return listout


Here's my crack at it:

Function/WAVE ReorderWavePoints(wIn)
    WAVE wIn        // Assumed to have an even number of points
    int numPoints = numpnts(wIn)
    String wOutName = NameOfWave(wIn) + "_out"
    Duplicate/O wIn, $wOutName
    WAVE wOut = $wOutName
    wOut = NaN
    wOut = (p&1) ? wIn[(numPoints-1+p)/2] : wIn[p/2]
    return wOut
Function Demo()
    Make/O testWave = {0,2,4,6,8,1,3,5,7,9}
    Print testWave
    WAVE wOut = ReorderWavePoints(testWave)
    Print wOut


Not knowing how to code this but, assuming the order is all X's then all a's ... Transform a 1-D wave of 2N points to a 2-D matrix of (Nx2) points, transpose the matrix, and transform back to 1-D wave of 2N points. Would this shuffle the sequence properly?

In reply to by jjweimer

jjweimer wrote:

Not knowing how to code this but, assuming the order is all X's then all a's ... Transform a 1-D wave of 2N points to a 2-D matrix of (NxN) points, transpose the matrix, and transform back to 1-D wave of 2N points. Would this shuffle the sequence properly?

Cool idea, it does work pretty nicely. This code assumes an even number of points.

Function shuffle(Wave w)
    Variable npnts = DimSize(w,0)
    Redimension/N=(npnts/2, 2) w
    MatrixOP/O w = w^t
    Redimension/N=(npnts) w