WaveMetrics.com and IgorExchange.com maintenance Wednesday June 5

[This move was rescheduled after we encountered some problems during the migration.]
We're scheduled to move WaveMetrics.com and IgorExchange.com to a new server next Wednesday, June 5.
The current server will be placed into maintenance mode early Wednesday June 5, 2024, and the new server made available the same day, hopefully around 3pm Pacific.
Forum postings and accounts (and their passwords) will transfer over.
Email to wavemetrics.com addresses are not affected.
Here's hoping for a successful transition this time.
The website is now running Drupal 10.
We are aware of some issues in the forum that our web people are in the process of fixing, including:
June 13, 2024 at 10:27 am - Permalink
I just noticed this now, but there seems to be another issue: The view counter for code snippets and projects seems to be inoperable and stays at zero.
June 16, 2024 at 12:11 am - Permalink