Transferring variable values between Data folders

I'm a relative newcomer to Igor programming and I'm having trouble with moving variable or Wave values between Data Folders using Functions.

I have legacy code that performs various analyses via Functions, which operate on data in different Folders.  I wish to be able to "harvest" the results of operations in each of the functions into a single wave that resides in root: and which can be reported on in a summary Table.  I do not want to do much editing of the various Functions to alter Folder structures; I just want to collect the value of various data in various Folders into root:

I've been trying to use "MoveWave" to temporarily move the "collection" wave (called "Value", which is already created in root: before running the Functions below) into the correct data folder where the Function is operating, assign the value of the result of the calculation to an element of "Value" wave, and then transfer the "collection" wave back out into root:

I've been trying something like this, which doesn't seem to get the value of "Result_1" into Value[0]:



setDataFolder root:

WAVE/T Value

// "Value" is a pre-existing wave in root:





setDataFolder root:Folder_A

Variable Result_1

WAVE/T Value

// Analysis to calculate a value for variable Result_1


MoveWave Value, root:Folder_A


MoveWave Value, root:



Is there a better way for me to go about trying to collect Function results into root: ?



p.s. trying something very simple like root:Value[0]=Result_1 in the Function does not seem to accomplish the hopping of values between Data Folders either...



In your function_1(), you could reference the value wave in the root folder with

wave/T value = root:value

Then do the assignment with

Value[0] = Result_1

You do not need to move the "Value" wave.


Not sure it this is part of the problem, but function_1() tries to assign a numeric value (Result1) to a text wave. Also have a look at data folder references, DFREF, which are very useful when operating on waves in different folders. Your function_1 may then look like this:

function Function_1()
    setDataFolder root:Folder_A
    DFREF homeDF = root:
    wave/T ValueWave = homeDF:value
    Variable Result_1 = pi


hegedus:  your suggestion fixed my problem.  Thanks!

ChrLie: I was working with all text waves (though I didn't make that clear), so this wasn't the issue.

johnweeks: I'm running Igor Pro 8.


Thanks all.

Wow. Where did I get the idea you were running Igor 5? I think I confused your posting with another one...