Sticks to next mode for two colums of a 2-dimensional wave
make/n=(10,2) tw=p/(q+1)
display tw[][0]; append tw[][1]
ModifyGraph rgb=(0,0,0),mode(tw)=1,toMode(tw)=1
display tw[][0]; append tw[][1]
ModifyGraph rgb=(0,0,0),mode(tw)=1,toMode(tw)=1
This does not seem to work and I don't know if there is a particular reason for this.
If not I would like this feature to be added to the wish list.
I will try to fix this for 6the .20 release but can't promise it will make it.
Try separate waves rather than columns from the same wave.
September 6, 2010 at 12:53 pm - Permalink