adding multidimensional column to ID wave
Mike German
I want to add a column of a multidimensional wave to a 1D wave with no success.
The example below shows the kind of thing I am trying to do. Normally the multidimensional wave, my6columnArray would be filled with various test data but here I just fill two of the columns with a number. The loop is where I want to select tests (columns) and add to the 1Dwave.
make /O/N=(10,6) my6ColumnArray // .... fill columns 0-5 with values from tests wave array = my6ColumnArray array =0 array[][1] = 7 array[][5] = -1 make /O/N=10 mywave wave my1Dwave = my1Dwave my1Dwave = 0 variable j for (j=0;j<6;j+=1) if(j==1 || j==5) // selected colunms for adding my1Dwave += array[][j] // can't do this! endif endfor
The manual gives this example
wave0 = wave0_2D[p][0] // Extract column 0 into 1D wave
but I can't seem to translate this .....
Hi Mike,
To get some clarity, when you mention you want to add the column to the 1Dwave, do you mean you want to change the 1Dwave to a multidimensional wave by creating a new column in it or do you want to append the data to the end of the 1Dwave increasing its length?
For the first case adding column, you could redimension the wave and then assign the values to the newly created column.
For the latter you could do a concatenate suppressing dimensional promotion (note you could do the first with concatenate also but with restriction of the point numbers in the desired axis need to be the same. Alternatively to concatenation, you could insert the requisite number of points and then assign the values from the array. Note: there are some cautions about using concatenate function in loops in the documentation.
February 14, 2024 at 08:02 am - Permalink
Hi Andy,
I don't want to add another dimension nor to append data on the end of the 1Dwave.
If I had, say, 'column' 1 of the multiDwave ie. multiDwave[][1] with the following values 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 and 'column' 5 multiDwave[][5] with these values in the 10 'rows'. 2 2 2 0 0 1 -1 0 1 1 and then add these into the 1Dwave and get 2 2 3 1 0 1 -1 1 2 2 for the 10 'rows' respectively.
I don't talk about this enough to know the correct jargon:-(
February 14, 2024 at 08:17 am - Permalink
Mike: Your example code was one character away from working as you intended.
my1Dwave += array[][j]
my1Dwave += array[p][j]
You also need to change the second wave reference statement to
wave my1Dwave = mywave
in order to avoid a run time error.
So the finished result looks like this:
You need the p on the right hand side of the wave assignment statement so Igor knows which point in array to read from.
February 14, 2024 at 08:48 am - Permalink
This is the answer I want to get in mywave
February 14, 2024 at 08:52 am - Permalink
BTW, you could use MatrixOp to write this is a more understandable way:
February 14, 2024 at 08:57 am - Permalink
Hi aclight,
posted before I saw yours - tried it and it worked. All the clues were there but they didn't click for me. Thanks.
February 14, 2024 at 09:06 am - Permalink