FuncFit flag /E does not set the epsilon wave, is there other way?

I have the code pasted below in the body of this post and will also attach a file.
With the code copied to my clipboard:
• In a new pxp file, do ctrl+M for the procedure window, ctrl+A to select whatever is in that window, and ctrl+V to paste the code.
• ctrl+J to bring up the command window, then type "myFitCall()", without quotes, and hit enter.
The errors in the fit coefficients are not put in coef_sig, they are put into the default W_sigma.
I then try using the Curve Fitting Dialog via Analysis>Curve Fitting. When I fill out the form and click "To Cmd Line", the following is pasted to the command line:
FuncFit myFit guessCoef ywv /X=xwv /W=ywvErr /I=1 /D=myFitWv /E=coef_sig
Again, coef_sig does not hold the errors in the coefficients
Is the way to direct the coefficient epsilon values different than using the /E flag?
#pragma TextEncoding = "UTF-8" #pragma rtGlobals=3 // Use modern global access method and strict wave access. Function myFit( coef, x ) : FitFunc //CurveFitDialog/ //CurveFitDialog/ Coefficients 2 //CurveFitDialog/ coef[0] = a //CurveFitDialog/ coef[1] = b Wave coef ; Variable x ; return coef[0] + coef[1] * x^1.1 End Function myFitCall( ) Make/O/N=5 xwv = {1,2,3,4,5}, ywv = {1.1, 4.1, 5.9, 7.8, 10.3} ; Make/O/N=5 ywvErr = {0.1, 0.01, 0.2, 0.11, 0.15}; Wave ex = xwv, wy = ywv, err = ywvErr ; Make/O/N=2 guessCoef = { 0, 2 }; Make/O/N=2 coef_sig; wave guess = guessCoef; wave coef_err = coef_sig; Make/O/N=5 myFitWv FuncFit/X=1/H="00" myFit guess wy /X=ex /W=err /I=1 /D=myFitWv /E=coef_sig End
I think there is a misunderstanding here: epsilon value != error output. Thus, the /E flag provides a distinct input, not an output. To explain what epsilon values are for, I'll cite the manual:
Thus, adding '/E=coef_sig' is not helpful, since 'coef_sig' is not properly defined. I think you also don't want to mess with the epsilon values here.
If you are asking how to redirect the standard W_sigma into another wave, this is not possible (as far as I know) with FuncFit itself. You would need to refer to W_sigma, and manually write the result into your 'coef_sig' wave after the fact. So yeah, FuncFit and CurveFit are limited in this regard. I also had to work around redirecting the standard 'fit_xxx' output to a different wave after the fit. This is not so difficult, but I agree that it would be nice to designate the destination with a flag.
January 20, 2024 at 07:30 pm - Permalink
Yes, a way to redirect W_sigma output to your own wave would be nice. But CurveFit and FuncFit are so unwieldy with lots of complicated flags at the beginning and at the end that I resist adding more. You should see the code that parses those commands... Looking at might take years off your life!
January 22, 2024 at 09:43 am - Permalink