Maximum number of elements in a wave


probably not of great relevance but I just noticed that I get the error message "the number of points in a wave must be between 0 and 2147 million" while the Igor help system says "The maximum allowed number of elements (rows*columns*layers*chunks) in a wave is 214,700,000,000."

Obviously the first specification is correct (and the second spec is already for Igor 12?).



Sorry, by accident I did my test with the 32bit version of Igor. Its 64bit big brother is not complaining. But I realize that is too much for my computer anyway. I have to invest some thoughts on a more intelligent way to handle my data.

The help should be (will be) revised to note that the maximum number of points in a wave is different between Igor 32-bit and Igor 64 bit:

32-bit: 2,147,000,000 (2147 million)

64-bit: 214,700,000,00 (214700 million)