Move a cursor (in a subwindow) using a hook
Hi, I am trying to update a value in a SetVariable object whenever I move a cursor in a graph (similar to the Cursor Moved Hook Demo), except that this time the graph is a subwindow in a panel and I cannot find the way to make it work. Do you have any suggestions? Thank you.
Can you provide a minimal working example to show what is not working?
February 21, 2023 at 04:00 am - Permalink
Here is how I place a cursor in a subwindow
Cursor /W=Panel_Fit_Spectra_For_Energies#G0 A Spectrum_1D_Shifted pnt2x(w_Spectrum_1D_Shifted,0)
Good luck!
February 21, 2023 at 04:16 am - Permalink
Note that graph subwindows don't have their own hook functions, you have a set a hook for the parent window to monitor for the cursor moved event. Maybe that is part of the problem?
February 21, 2023 at 04:27 am - Permalink
Here's a modified Cursor Moved Hook example that hooks a subwindow
Macro DemoSubWindowHook()
Make/O/N=(10) xx=p*1000
Make/O/N=(10) yy=sin(p/4)
Make/O/T/N=(10) text="text for point "+num2istr(p)
Window ExampleSubGraph() : Graph
PauseUpdate; Silent 1 // building window...
Display /W=(69,49.25,699.75,444.5)/K=1 as "Graph with Subwindow"
TextBox/C/N=readout/A=LT/X=1.66/Y=2.05 "\\JCMove the Cursor: the point number is shown here"
ControlBar 40
SetVariable xValue,pos={56.00,9.00},size={90.00,18.00},bodyWidth=80,title="X"
SetVariable xValue,value=xx[0]
SetVariable textValue,pos={174.00,9.00},size={144.00,18.00},bodyWidth=120
SetVariable textValue,title="Text",limits={-inf,inf,0},value=text[0],noedit=1
Display/W=(0.1,0.1,0.9,0.9)/HOST=# yy vs xx
ModifyGraph wbRGB=(65535,65534,49151),frameStyle=1, mode=4,marker=19
Cursor/P A yy 0
RenameWindow #,G0
SetActiveSubwindow ##
SetWindow kwTopWin,hook(myHook)=newCursorMovedHook
Function newCursorMovedHook(s)
STRUCT WMWinHookStruct &s
Variable statusCode= 0
strswitch( s.eventName )
case "cursormoved":
// see "Members of WMWinHookStruct Used with cursormoved Code"
NewUpdateControls(s.winName, s.traceName, s.cursorName, s.pointNumber)
return statusCode
Function NewUpdateControls(graphName, traceName, cursorName, pointNumber)
String graphName //"ExampleSubGraph#G0"
String traceName, cursorName
Variable pointNumber
WAVE xx=root:xx
WAVE/T text=root:text
String hostGraph= StringFromList(0,graphName,"#") // removes #G0
SetVariable xValue,win=$hostGraph,value= xx[pointNumber]
SetVariable textValue,win=$hostGraph,value= text[pointNumber]
// I don't use wx and wy, but you might
Wave/Z wy= TraceNameToWaveRef(graphName,traceName)
Wave/Z wx= XWaveRefFromTrace(graphName,traceName)
TextBox/W=$hostGraph/C/N=readout "point number = "+num2istr(pointNumber)
Print "Y value= ", wy[pointNumber]
February 23, 2023 at 11:06 am - Permalink