Data Browser "Browse Expt..." option to Recent Experiments

I often use the "Browse Expt..." button on the data browser to copy waves and folders from one experiment to the other.
Almost exclusively I want to copy data from "recent experiments". I wish there was a way to access those, maybe with a ctrl/option click on that button?
Thanks for considering!
A refinement that I would like is to be able to see the procedures in the browsed experiment.
The use case:
I have written some function in one experiment and I would like to reuse/bring it into a current project. Typically I would one the second experiment, copy the function, close and paste. It would just speed up the workflow. This is especially true for experiments with lots of windows each and open a second experiment (on a Mac) can be visually confusing.
January 24, 2023 at 07:38 am - Permalink
In reply to A refinement that I would… by hegedus
As a workaround, you could save your experiments as an HDF5 packed experiment and then use the HDF5 browser (or the HDF5 operations) to load your procedure code.
January 24, 2023 at 08:31 am - Permalink
Another work-around would be to open the other experiment in a new instance using File->Start Another Igor Pro Instance. On a Macintosh where there's no MDI frame, it can be confusing, but should be workable if all you want is procedures. This is the only case in which I find I would like to have that d*** MDI frame!
January 24, 2023 at 09:06 am - Permalink
Another workaround on the Mac is to open the experiment in BBEdit and at the bottom of the file are the procedures in clear text more or less.
January 24, 2023 at 09:18 am - Permalink