Reset pxp Resolution?

Is there a way to reset the resolution for an entire experiment? I have many graphs in my experiment, and somehow the resolution has gotten very far from how it originally started, after switching between monitors. Is there any way to go back once the pxp has been saved with the altered resolution? I'm using IGOR 9.01 Pro 64-bit.
I am scratching my head as to what you could mean by 'resolution'. There is no resolution per se, as everything is always drawn to match the pixels on your display all the time. Do you mean the (physical) size of graphs or their placement? What exactly would you like to revert?
November 28, 2022 at 03:55 pm - Permalink
Images are all squished now. See attached example.
November 28, 2022 at 04:12 pm - Permalink
OK, this relates to the physical size of the graphs (i.e., how large they are in terms of cm or inch). I guess you (or somebody else) has manually stretched / shrunk the graphs 'to see them better' on a larger / smaller screen. Unfortunately, there is no way for Igor to tell the size a graph had some way back. You would need to adjust the graph size again to a size of your liking, either by dragging with the mouse or by double-clicking on the white space of the outer frame and then using the Modify Graph settings. I happen to have also build an external package to aid with sizing graphs, which you find here: https://www.wavemetrics.com/node/21562
In general, I would recommend to set up the target physical size at the very beginning and then don't touch the graph's size anymore. You can also lock the size in the Modify Graph dialog or my tool. The desired target size depends on your intended output (e.g., a paper or presentation). You can zoom / magnify graphs without changing their physical size by going to Graph -> Expansion. This will help you to expand / shrink the graphs according to your screen size without affecting their output size.
I agree that it is too easy to 'accidentally' distort graphs in Igor. You have to keep in mind to not resize the graph with the mouse or otherwise, after you have set everything up to look nice in output.
November 28, 2022 at 04:39 pm - Permalink
I'm the only one accessing this experiment and I didn't manually modify (stretch/shrink) the graph size. It automatically changed all the graph sizes when I switched monitors, and I must have accidentally saved the experiment one time after it did this.
so after creating every graph, you recommend going into to the Modify Graph tool and manually change the Height Mode and Width Mode to Absolute? That seems quite tedious. And it would only prevent this problem going forward. It won't allow me to easily fix the many plots I already have created. Will your external graph sizing package help with this?
November 28, 2022 at 04:52 pm - Permalink
Hmm... Igor usually does not touch the graph sizes when switching monitors. If this happens to you again, and you may even be able to reproduce this, then you could write a bug report to the support.
Anyway, for the very precise reason that the Modify Graph dialog is tedious I have written these graph tools. Yes, I think it will be much easier for you to set up your graphs with my Graph Size panel, which not only shows you the physical size of the top graph on the fly for modification in pixel/cm/inch units but you also can copy the size from one graph to another. Also, if you uncheck 'Keep Auto-size Mode' the graph size will be locked as well (indicated by bold numbers in the panel). Just try it out and let me know if you have any problems.
November 28, 2022 at 05:09 pm - Permalink
Thanks - I'll try it and get back to you.
Have you ever worked on a pxp on a nice big monitor and then opened the pxp again later on your laptop? It always resizes if I do that now. Maybe I can get clever and figure out what monitor resolution I need to reverse this.
I think I noticed it started resizing based on the monitor I was using when I opened the file, after I switched to version 9.01 Pro.
November 28, 2022 at 05:33 pm - Permalink
So far, whenever I open such a pxp file, the graphs might be outside the visible area, but I have never observed that graphs have been forcefully resized. Maybe someone from the WM staff can comment on this.
November 28, 2022 at 05:41 pm - Permalink
Igor may have resized the graph when the experiment was opened on a system where the graph was "too big" for the screen.
To keep a graph non-stretched, you might want to use one of the Aspect or Plan graph sizing modes which work at any size.
When images have the same horizontal and vertical pixel resolution (the usual case), I like to use one of these two graph size modes:
November 28, 2022 at 09:18 pm - Permalink
Jim, interesting! I never noticed such an effect. Is this a Mac thing? Usually, on windows the graphs extend outside the visible area if I am not wrong. Also, I think Sara is referring to trace plots and not images. I personally find the 'Plan' mode sub-optimal for such plots. Maybe 'Aspect' would be a better choice.
November 28, 2022 at 09:24 pm - Permalink