extracting x-value for a corresponding y-value


I am trying to extract x-values for a corresponding middle value of intensity curves.

I have written the following script but cannot come up with the solution. Would appreciate any help with this

Function FindXvalueforPeakCenter(xmin, xmax)
string xmin, xmax
variable i
wave wave1, wave2, wave3
for (i = 0; i<(numpnts(DelayTime_indexfrom1)); i+=1)
Wave1 = wavemax(Ywave_1)
wave2 = wavemin(Ywave_1)
wave3 = (wave1+wave2)/2
FindLevel Ywave_1, wave3
Xvalue = Ywave_1(wave3, V_LevelX)
display Xvalue[i]


Thank you.


That would be pnt2x().

You can also use the definitions of the scaling, using leftx() and deltax().