A couple of quick questions

Mike German
I've been meaning to ask this for a long while
Is there a way of exporting or copying a DataFolder from one experiemnt to another?
Is there a default setting to set a frame around all graphs?
To copy files/folders use the "Browse Expt..." button on the data browser. Clicking on that will open an OS file explorer window from which you can select and experiment to "browse". Selecting an Igor experiment will add a view of the folders in that experiment to the browser window from which you can drag/drop files or folder to the open experiment. It's one way... you can only copy files from the "browsed" experiment to the open one.
April 5, 2022 at 09:58 am - Permalink
Your second question: Create a graph and design it how you would like to look. Go to Graph => Capture Graph Prefs and check all the settings you would like to keep. From there on all new graphs will honor these settings. So go ahead and create a graph with a "frame" (= enable mirror axis on both left and top without ticks) and save this style.
April 5, 2022 at 10:31 am - Permalink
In reply to To copy files/folders use… by jtigor
Thanks jtigor - - so useful to know!
April 5, 2022 at 10:50 am - Permalink
In reply to Your second question: Create… by chozo
Is that the same Frame you get when you right click in the middle of a graph and select FRAME>Style>Single? because I can't seem to capture that ...
April 5, 2022 at 10:55 am - Permalink
If you want a programmatic way to save/load a data folder contents, use the operations SaveData and LoadData. The LoadData operation is the engine for the Data Browser's Browse Experiment functionality.
April 5, 2022 at 03:33 pm - Permalink
The frame you mention is not saved in preferences. It was actually an accident that it works in a top-level graph at all. It was originally conceived for use framing a subwindow graph. It seemed arbitrary to prohibit its use for top-level graphs, so we kept it.
You can save a style macro- ModifyGraph frameStyle and frameInset keywords are saved in style macros.
April 5, 2022 at 03:36 pm - Permalink
In reply to The frame you mention is not… by johnweeks
Thanks John - I now can do waht I want with style macro
April 6, 2022 at 04:35 am - Permalink