Programming help for new user
I'm new to Igor (and programming!) and want to apologize in advance for the basic question. I've just started going through the manual but have a somewhat urgent deadline and would be very grateful for some help pointing me in the right direction.
I have two waves, x and V. I need to find the maximum V for every group of 32 points. These maxima would ideally be interpolated, and I should note that every group of points takes the shape of a smooth, yet antisymmetric peak. I then need to make a wave of the x-values corresponding to these maximum V-values. Because I'm working with a high volume of data, manually plotting/calculating this is not feasible. Every set of 32 x-values is identical.
Where would be the best place to start in order to figure this out quickly? I got Igor today and have been going through the tutorial and programming section to get started. I still feel like I'm a long way away from being able to write a program from scratch and am not sure how to go about my main task.
// Finds the peak in each segment.
// Output waves are named after input wave. For example, if the input wave
// is wave0, the output waves are wave0_spx and wave0_spy.
// Example:
// Make/O/N=1000 wave0
// SetScale/P x 0, .1, "s", wave0
// wave0 = abs(sin(x))
// Display wave0
// FindSegmentPeaks(wave0, 32)
// AppendToGraph wave0_spy vs wave0_spx
// ModifyGraph rgb(wave0_spy)=(0,0,65535)
// ModifyGraph mode(wave0_spy)=2, lsize(wave0_spy)=3
// Edit wave0_spx, wave0_spy
Function FindSegmentPeaks(wIn, segmentLength)
Wave wIn // e.g., wave0
Variable segmentLength // e.g., 32
Variable numPoints = numpnts(wIn)
Variable numSegments = trunc(numPoints / segmentLength) // Partial segment at end is ignored
if (numSegments <= 0)
Abort "Not enough input points"
String wOutNameX = NameOfWave(wIn) + "_spx"
Make/O/D/N=(numSegments) $wOutNameX
Wave wOutX = $wOutNameX
String wOutNameY = NameOfWave(wIn) + "_spy"
Make/O/D/N=(numSegments) $wOutNameY
Wave wOutY = $wOutNameY
Variable i
for(i=0; i<numSegments; i+=1)
Variable startPoint = segmentLength*i, startX = pnt2x(wIn, startPoint)
Variable endPoint = startPoint+segmentLength-1, endX = pnt2x(wIn, endPoint)
// FindPeak sets V_PeakLoc and V_PeakVal
FindPeak /Q/R=(startX,endX) wIn // Find peak for this segment
if (V_flag == 0) // Success
wOutX[i] = V_PeakLoc
wOutY[i] = V_PeakVal
wOutX[i] = NaN
wOutY[i] = NaN
Function DemoFindSegmentPeaks()
Make/O/N=1000 wave0
SetScale/P x 0, .1, "s", wave0
wave0 = abs(sin(x))
Display wave0
FindSegmentPeaks(wave0, 32)
AppendToGraph wave0_spy vs wave0_spx
ModifyGraph rgb(wave0_spy)=(0,0,65535)
ModifyGraph mode(wave0_spy)=2, lsize(wave0_spy)=3
Edit wave0_spx, wave0_spy
July 22, 2010 at 10:50 pm - Permalink
Wow, thank you so much. I really appreciate it!!
July 26, 2010 at 03:47 pm - Permalink