Image Plot with my own X and Y waves for axis labels?
I am trying to make a spectrogram-like plot. The inputs are a 2D wave of data (dimensions are 152,12) where each row is a time slice and each column is a measurement of one of 12 frequency bins. I further have a 1D text wave with the names of the 12 frequency bins and a 1D wave with 152 time stamps.
I can make the image plot using only the 2D wave just fine, but obviously it doesn't have the X and Y axes that I want. When I go through Windows->New->Image Plot... and select my 2D wave as the Z-wave, it only presents me with "_calculated_" as X and Y choices.
Can Igor even do this?
Yes Igor can do this. Create a numeric wave, e.g. texts, the same length as your text wave, 12 in this case.
make /n=12 textpos
and set its values
texts = x (set from 0-11)
Double click on the axis to bring up the axis dialog box and select Auto/Man Ticks tab. From the pop menu select "User Ticks from Waves" and then on the right hand side from the pop up menus under labels: select the text wave with with 12 frequency bins and then in the location pop up select the textpos wave.
You may want to go tot he label options tab and adjust the text direction orientation.
January 31, 2022 at 01:58 pm - Permalink