Performing a function on all traces on a graph

Hi everyone,

I recently started using Igor for mass spec research-related analysis and just getting familiar with it.

I am trying to get the average of different points in a graph. Using the Wavestats function, I can do this individually for each wave name (eg :PeakData:'CH3O2+) but I have tons of traces on a graph. How do I get the same function to automatically go through all the traces on the graph?

Is there also a way to get out only the V_avg of each of the traces and make them in a table? (I currently have to copy one after the other into an excel sheet. I now have tons of data and this isn't sustainable)

Thank you!

WaveStats/R=[487,1943] :PeakData:'CH3O2+';
  V_npnts= 1457; V_numNaNs= 0; V_numINFs= 0; V_avg= 34.5415; 
  V_Sum= 50327; V_sdev= 7.85227; V_sem= 0.205715; V_rms= 35.4222; 
  V_adev= 6.24775; V_skew= 0.328991; V_kurt= 0.140453; 
  V_minloc= 1934; V_maxloc= 836; V_min= 13.1429; V_max= 70.6547; 
  V_minRowLoc= 1934; V_maxRowLoc= 836; V_startRow= 487; 
  V_endRow= 1943;


Function/S fAverageOfGraphWaves(outWaveName,pstart,pend)
    String outWaveName
    Variable pstart,pend
    String graphName=WinName(0,1)
    if( strlen(graphName) == 0 )
        DoAlert 0, "Expected graph"
        return ""
    String traces= TraceNameList(graphName,";",1)
    Variable i, n=ItemsInList(traces)
    Make/O/D/N=(n) $outWaveName // overwrites any wave of the same name
    WAVE wavgs= $outWaveName
        String traceName= StringFromList(i,traces)
        Wave wy = TraceNameToWaveRef(graphName,traceName)
        WaveStats/M=1/Q/R=[pstart,pend] wy
        wavgs[i] = V_Avg
        SetDimLabel 0, i, $NameOfWave(wy), wavgs
    return GetWavesDataFolder(wavgs,2) // full path
Macro AverageWavesInGraph(outWaveName,pstart,pend)
    String outWaveName="averages"   // you can (and should) change this
    Variable pstart=0,pend=inf  // defaults to entire wave
    String avgWave= fAverageOfGraphWaves(outWaveName,pstart,pend)
    if( strlen(avgWave) )
        Edit $avgWave.ld


Thank you, JimProuty! This worked great.

I have a quick follow up: I realized an issue I did not think about before now.

After using the function and using Edit to get my data in a table, they are registered as points instead of the name of a trace. 
I am certain that the points correlate in the same order the waves are arranged (I crosschecked) but the names of the trace are also important because my plan is to create a category plot afterwards.

My question would be: Is there a way to make the table contain the wavenames rather than just points (0,1, ...)? or alternatively if I could create a list of the wavenames and make them in another table?
I tried simply copying and pasting but that did not work. I could only copy one at a time.

Thank you



One suggestion is to use dimension labels.

for example you can add this line after waves[i] V_avg:

setdimlabel 0,i,,$traceName, wavgs


This sets the point label (0 dimension) at index, i, to the value of the tracename string.  I am a big fan of dimension labels since it is a mechanism to have both string and numeric data in the same wave.


In reply to by aakande

I've amended the code to use the dimension labels suggestion (good idea!)

If you want to make a category plot, though, you'll need a separate text wave, instead.


Function/S fAverageOfGraphWaves(averagesWaveName,namesWaveName,pstart,pend)
    String averagesWaveName,namesWaveName
    Variable pstart,pend
    String graphName=WinName(0,1)
    if( strlen(graphName) == 0 )
        DoAlert 0, "Expected graph"
        return ""
    String traces= TraceNameList(graphName,";",1)
    Variable i, n=ItemsInList(traces)
    Make/O/D/N=(n) $averagesWaveName // overwrites any wave of the same name
    WAVE wavgs= $averagesWaveName
    Make/O/T/N=(n) $namesWaveName
    WAVE/T wnames= $namesWaveName
        String traceName= StringFromList(i,traces)
        Wave wy = TraceNameToWaveRef(graphName,traceName)
        WaveStats/M=1/Q/R=[pstart,pend] wy
        wavgs[i] = V_Avg
        wnames[i] = NameOfWave(wy)
    String listOfWaves= GetWavesDataFolder(wavgs,2) + ";" + GetWavesDataFolder(wnames,2)
    return listOfWaves // full paths to waves
Macro AverageWavesInGraph(averagesWaveName,namesWaveName,pstart,pend)
    String averagesWaveName="averages"   // you can (and should) change this
    String namesWaveName="names"        // you can (and should) change this
    Variable pstart=0,pend=inf  // defaults to entire wave
    String listOfWaves= fAverageOfGraphWaves(averagesWaveName,namesWaveName,pstart,pend)
    if( strlen(listOfWaves) )
        String avgWave= StringFromList(0,listOfWaves)
        String namesWave= StringFromList(1,listOfWaves)
        Edit $namesWave, $avgWave
        Display $avgWave vs $namesWave


I would indeed need the text as a separate wave.

And this works! Thank you so much.

And in Igor 9, you *can* use the dimension labels for a category plot!

Simply use "Display $avgWave vs _labels_"