No longer able to display and edit auxiliary procedure in window

I have an auxiliary procedure (call it MyAuxiliaryProcedure.ipf) and have been editing it in an Igor file (call it MyFile.pxp). The two files are in the same folder.
After a number of days and running macros so many times that my command line count is up to 6658, the procedure window does not open when I open the .pxp file (it was open when I last closed the .pxp file).
I try Windows->ProcedureWindows->MyAuxiliaryProcedure.ipf and nothing happens
I try Windows->ProcedureBrowser and see MyAuxiliaryProcedure.ipf and underneath that can see all my macros and functions. However, I see no way to display the window and edit.
I try File->OpenFile->Procedure->MyAuxiliaryProcedure.ipf and nothing happens
I try File->OpenFile->Procedure->ADifferentAuxiliaryProcedure.ipf and it opens that one and I can edit
I try Windows->ProcedureWindow->ProcedureWindow. This opens the experiment procedure and I click on the drop-down menu containing the available procedures and choose MyAuxiliaryProcedure.ipf and it works fine
I try opening the same procedure (same location on my hard drive) but from a different .pxp file (different folder than the procedure and MyFile.pxp) and it works.
I can probably work it out on my own, but I figure if there is a bug then there is a bug and I may as well post about it.
I have included a zipped file with the pxp and ipf.
I guess your real file is called "SpecificHeatDataProcessAll.ipf".
July 16, 2021 at 11:52 am - Permalink
Your SpecificHeatDataProcessAll.ipf file is likely just offscreen. So when you select the Windows->Procedure Windows->SpecificHeatDataProcessAll.ipf menu item, that procedure window is brought to the front but you can't see that because it's offscreen. The solution is to then use the Windows->Control->Retrieve Window menu item. Yo could also use the button in the tool bar (it's the button with one green arrow pointing left and one window).
July 16, 2021 at 02:54 pm - Permalink