US MAP figure help

Hello All,
I am a fresh igor user in graduate school.
Is there anyone know how to draw a figure as I attached ?
I want to use different color to highlight several states in the U.S.
Thank you very much in advance.
Best Regards,
Yi Li
You got an answer to your very similar question 5 months ago. Was this solution not working for you? Maybe it would be better to continue in the old thread if the current problem is related.
Hello Yi Li,

I have added an Igor experiment available for all Igor users that should make it very easy to do what you want. It contains political boundaries for all US states and territories, and a raster file in which each pixel is numbered according to the state it is in. This is similar to the answer I gave you before, but easier and with instructions contained in the experiment. Please download the following experiment and read the notebook instructions inside.…

Good Luck!

Nate Hyde
nhyde wrote:
Hello Yi Li,

I have added an Igor experiment available for all Igor users that should make it very easy to do what you want. It contains political boundaries for all US states and territories, and a raster file in which each pixel is numbered according to the state it is in. This is similar to the answer I gave you before, but easier and with instructions contained in the experiment. Please download the following experiment and read the notebook instructions inside.…

Good Luck!

Nate Hyde

Thank you very much all you information.
I am sorry for missing your first response. But I still have some question may need you help.
I will send you a email.
Have a great weekend !


I would like to colour different countries of the world depending on an external variable (e.g. Data downloads per country).

Is there a political world map available that can be imported into IGOR (similar to this US political boudary map).

Is their an updated GISdata tool available since this post?

Thanking you in advance


The author of the IgorGIS package was Nate Hyde, who responded above. Nate is no longer with WaveMetrics, so we no longer have expertise in the GIS area, and we don't have the manpower to update the IgorGIS package.

The package does have a World Map in the tutorial: DisplayHelpTopic "IgorGIS Tutorial: Map of the World"

Perhaps that will get you started, but other than that we don't know how to help you. My apologies.

Having gotten a number of questions about IgorGIS recently, we have decided that IgorGIS will be obsoleted for Igor 9. It is unlikely that it will disappear entirely- we try to keep things in Igor releases in case someone is using it and depending on it. But it won't receive updates, and will probably fall behind the state of the art in GIS. In fact, it probably has already.

I've used the following macro to achieve something similar. This makes a drawing object which can be filled, though it sometimes fails if the outline of the feature is too complicated. I used a similar macro but passed it a fill color based on another parameter to produce the attached map. A little clunky, but it achieves the desired result.

macro FillFeatureOnMap(latWaveStrToFill, lonWaveStrToFill)
    string latWaveStrToFill, lonWaveStrToFill
    prompt latWaveStrToFill, "Lat wave:", popup wavelist("*", ";", "WIN:")  // waves in top graph in current data folder
    prompt lonWaveStrToFill, "Lon wave:", popup wavelist("*", ";", "WIN:")  // "
    Silent 1; PauseUpdate
    SetDrawLayer UserBack
    SetDrawEnv xcoord= bottom,ycoord= left, fillpat= 1
//  DrawPoly NewMexico_lon[0],NewMexico_lat[0], 1, 1, NewMexico_lon, NewMexico_lat // hard-coded example
    DrawPoly $lonWaveStrToFill[0],$latWaveStrToFill[0], 1, 1, $lonWaveStrToFill, $latWaveStrToFill
    ShowTools/A arrow
    Print "Click on tools, select the drawing object on the map, and chose a 'Fill Color'."


filled_counties.png (824.88 KB)