wave arithmetic


Could some one let me know the problem with the operation I am doing. I am doing a simple arithmetic operation on a wave, but Igor refuses to accept it (ill-formed name). I did a similar operation with other wave, and it  tends to accept it. Here is what it looks like:

total_SO4 = total_SO4*2   ---- Doesn't accept it.

make/d/o/n=(numpnts(nH2O_eaim)) nH2O_eaim_ugm3 = nH2O_eaim*18e6      ------- Accepts it.



This cannot be (or at least is not a problem of the arithmetic expression). I tried this and it works just fine:

make/o/d/n=100 test=p
test = test*2

Note that you could also use the shorthand ...

test *= 2

I guess your problem is that Igor cannot find your wave total_SO4 for some reason (no/wrong wave assignment, wrong folder etc...)

In reply to by chozo

"I guess your problem is that Igor cannot find your wave total_SO4 for some reason (no/wrong wave assignment, wrong folder etc...)"

So, the exact way of operation is:


duplicate/o/WAVE  master_SO4_aero, total_SO4

total_SO4 = total_SO4*2


I am able to do other wave operation with the same wave like removing "NaNs" or removing certain values etc.


and by the way, it is not accepting this as well: 

total_SO4 *= 2

It is saying "Can't use a wave reference wave in this situation."

In reply to by vpratap397

Your problem seems to be an incorrect use of the /WAVE flag in "duplicate".

displayhelptopic "WAVE Reference Type Flags"
/WAVE   Wave holds wave references.

The wave you are duplicating is probably a data wave, causing the error. Omit that flag.