Help needed for trouble shooting "XOP is incompatible with this version of Igor"


I am trying to migrate from Igor 6 to Igor 8, and I need to recompile some XOPs to do that.
The XOP was written for 32-bit hardware in Igor 6, now it will be used in Igor 8 (32-bit). 

According to the manual, I should first update it using XOPToolkit7, then XOPToolkit8.
I did it by first copying the XOP folder (A) to XOPToolkit7 folder, then use the exp file "Create New XOP Project" to copy (A) to (B). Here I used Igor 8 to open this experiment file.

Then, I compile the file normally. Afterwards, I copy the folder (B) to XOPToolkit8. Using the experiment file of the same name "Create New XOP Project", I created a copied (B) to (C). Then I compiled (C) normally. 

However, on trying, the XOP I obtained in folder (C) shows the same error in title.

Any help will be appreciated.

Check your XOPMain function. It may be doing a test on the Igor version and returning XOP_OBSOLETE.

Check your XOPI 1100 resource. See "The XOPI 1100 Resource" in Chapter 4 of the XOP Toolkit 8 manual.

If that does not solve the problem, clean your project*, zip it, and send it to WaveMetrics support.

* A cleaned VC project should have no build or only these files in the VC folder:


It should not have these files and folders which you may need to manually remove:


NOTE: Be careful not to delete the .sln, .vcxproj, .vcxproj.filters files or any files that you may have put in the VC folder.

In reply to by hrodstein

hrodstein wrote:

Check your XOPMain function. It may be doing a test on the Igor version and returning XOP_OBSOLETE.

Check your XOPI 1100 resource. See "The XOPI 1100 Resource" in Chapter 4 of the XOP Toolkit 8 manual.

If that does not solve the problem, clean your project*, zip it, and send it to WaveMetrics support.

* A cleaned VC project should have no build or only these files in the VC folder:


It should not have these files and folders which you may need to manually remove:


NOTE: Be careful not to delete the .sln, .vcxproj, .vcxproj.filters files or any files that you may have put in the VC folder.

Check your XOPMain function. It may be doing a test on the Igor version and returning XOP_OBSOLETE.

This seems to be the culprit, by commenting that section out it compiles and could be loaded by Igor. I will test it later to see if it does work.

Thanks for the help.