A Window Hook Function to display the Z-dimension of an image using cursor position


In principle, I would like to extract the X (='row') and Y (='col')  position of the cursor in an image plot, and display example3Dwave[row][col][] in a seperate window. This should update as I move the cursor in the image plot.

I have spent all morning going through the help files and the forum, but unfortunately it seems to be beyond my understanding how to, for example, adapt the demos version to my needs.

would anyone be so kind and help me with this task?


Many thanks and best wishes


Is the Info panel not sufficient for your needs? For the image's top "Graph" menu, select "Show Info" (ctrl+I in Windows). The cursor(s) give position and 'z' data.

It is necessary that the graph which plots the Z dimension updates automatically as one hovers over the image with the cursor - similar to the line profile utility under the image tab.

Here's what I would try:

Make a plot of the image (Graph1), and a second plot of the slice of wave w:

Display /N=Graph2 w[0][0][]

create a window hook function

Function MyWindowHook(s)
    STRUCT WMWinHookStruct &s
// use s.mouseLoc.h and s.mouseloc.v to access mouse coordinates

Use SetWindow to invoke the hook function for mousemoved events

SetWindow Graph1, hook(hName)=MyWindowHook, hookevents=2^1
DisplayHelpTopic("Named Window Hook Functions")

Figure out how to translate the mouse coordinates to get the current value of p and q to feed to the ReplaceWave operation.

Function MyWindowHook(s)
    STRUCT WMWinHookStruct &s
// use s.mouseLoc.h and s.mouseloc.v to access mouse coordinates
// translate coordinates to var1=p and var2=q
    ReplaceWave /W=Graph2 trace=w, w[var1][var2][]

I don't think there's any way to do it without writing at least a bit of code.


It might be easier to do it with a cursor hook, rather than figuring out mouse coordinates. So instead of hovering with the mouse you would have to drop a cursor on a pixel to update Graph2.

DisplayHelpTopic("Programming With Cursors")


This isn't quite what you are looking for, but I wrote some code for doing something similar with 2D waves.  The code generates an image plot of the 2D wave, a plot of the slice along the row of the cursor, and a plot of the slice along the column of the cursor.  It uses a window hook to automatically update the row and column plots whenever the cursor (on any of the three graphs) is moved.  It's been a while since I've looked at the code, but I think it could be used along with Tony's suggestions to do what you want.  

Image_Viewer.pxp (2.11 MB)

This is modified from an existing package and uses a mouse click on an image instead of a cursor (pretty much what Tony suggested). Maybe this is of use.

Set up image

make/O/N=(100,100,512) cube = enoise(1)
MatrixOP/O SumImage = Sumbeams(cube)
NewImage/N=image SumImage

Hook funktion:

Function Hook(s)
    STRUCT WMWinHookStruct &s
    // create references to required waves
    wave SumImage
    wave cube
    // where is the mouse?
    variable xpos =  AxisValFromPixel("", "Bottom", s.mouseLoc.h)
    variable ypos = AxisValFromPixel("", "Left", s.mouseLoc.v)  
    variable xx = round (xpos / DimDelta(SumImage, 0))
    variable yy =  round (ypos / DimDelta(SumImage, 0))
    variable maxX = DimSize(cube, 0)
    variable maxY = DimSize(cube, 1)
        case 3:     // handle left mouse click          
            // prevent error when clicking outside of image
            if (xx >= maxX || yy >= maxY || xx < 0  || yy < 0)
            MatrixOp/O CrsSpec = beam(cube, xx, yy) 
            wave CrsSpec 
            doWindow/F PointSpectrum
            if (V_flag==0)
                Display/K=1/N=PointSpectrum CrsSpec 
    return 1

then use hook:

SetWindow Image,hook(s)=Hook   

Then click on the image to display the z-direction.



Thank you very much for all of your answers, I used ChrLies approach and it does what I want. Nevermind the "hovering", that was inaccurate language as it turns out...






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