wavestats not functioning

Dear Members,

I am working with NMR data (example is in the text file) and I want to know the xvalue for the max intensity for each resonances.

I tried the following command with wavestats:

wavestats/R=[3614,5461] intensity

to get the V_maxloc for the region between points 3614 and 5461 (also tried xcsr(a) and xcsr(b)), however I am getting the following output

  V_npnts= 1848; V_numNaNs= 0; V_numINFs= 0; V_avg= 208319; 
  V_Sum= 3.84974e+08; V_sdev= 36789.3; V_sem= 855.797; 
  V_rms= 211541; V_adev= 33433.4; V_skew= 0.206091; 
  V_kurt= -1.49705; V_minloc= 9030; V_maxloc= 8257; V_min= 160189; 
  V_max= 265768; V_minRowLoc= 5369; V_maxRowLoc= 4596; 
  V_startRow= 3614; V_endRow= 5461;

You can see the V_maxloc is out of the range that I have given and I could not get around this problem.

The main idea is to get the V_maxloc point and then locate the  ppm corresponding to the value using


but got incorrect value.

I also tried the following commands 

print wavemax(intensity, xcsr(a),xcsr(b))
findlevel/P/R=[xcsr(a),xcsr(b)] intensity, value

However I get the error that the crossing cannot be found.

I would really appreciate and anyone can help me solve this issue.

Thank you,


example_wave.txt (390.4 KB)

Does your wave have non-default wave scaling? By default, V_[max|miin]loc are scaled values, not unscaled index values. However V_minRowLoc and V_maxRowLoc are always unscaled, and based on what you show those values are within the range you specified with /R.

Sorry for the delay. Thank you for the suggestions I solved the issue by using pcsr() and also in the wavestats V_minRowLoc and V_maxRowLoc are the values that I have to take.


Thanks again.





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