DAQ Question...

i like an advise...
some body know an igor functions for ITC 1600? some like Nclamp and Neuromatic?.
i finding some for do extracelullar field recordings on a HEKA EPC10, if wel PATCHMASTER could do some, i'd like to use Igor.
Once you have the XOP, I think NCLAMP will work with the ITC-16 or ITC-18.
John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.
April 7, 2008 at 05:02 pm - Permalink
so... other problem... Whitch will be the differences between a version and another (of XOP)?, a command diferences?.
i think it is a command change (like in NIDAQ Tools mx), because wen you copy the files and run Igor, it show a Function Compilation Error... "name already exist as an operation". when you click in "edit procedure" and browse the ITC commands in Help/Command List, you find that the function whit the error (ITCSetDAC(chan, volts)), has the same name as a command. The problem could be solucionated changing the name of the function (just add an underscore ITCSetDAC(chan, volts) --> ITC_SetDAC(chan, volts) ) and the problem was solved. now the "funny" problem... NCLAMP dows not support the board, you can see that wen click in the Clamp tab and find in the board list.
so... whitc will be the differences between XOP's? any idea? have the Telly Galiatsatos mail?
April 8, 2008 at 04:31 pm - Permalink
You might want to contact Jason Rothman who wrote Neuromatic and NCLAMP to see if there is a version that supports the ITC-16. His e-mail is Jason@ThinkRandom.com
I don't know what the differences are among the various versions of ITC hardware, or the XOPs that go with them.
John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.
April 10, 2008 at 03:43 pm - Permalink