Help in reading in files

I am have a 100 element detector that has about 300 columns (see attached). Each column has its own label. When I read in the file, IGOR doesn't recognize the column titles. It just numbers them 0 to 299. I want to read in the textfile using the loadwaves command and have IGOR recognize the column labels as the wavenames. Can you help me?
Thanks STosH



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in your attachment are the column labels located on separate lines following the line that reads "data:" ?
if so, one strategy for loading the file is to first read the header (line by line) and extract the column labels and figure out where the first line of data starts, then construct a loadwave command using this information.
See help for open, FReadLine, close, LoadWave, and 'Displaying an Open File Dialog.'
July 22, 2019 at 01:23 pm - Permalink