Is there a way to fix aspect ratio of the Gizmo window of W:H to 1:1?


I am trying to generate some surface plots for publication, and it would be the best if I can make it as 1:1 as possible. When it is not 1:1, there is deformation of the surface plots exported.
I was trying to eyeball it, but then I wonder if there is a way I can make its W:H to be 1:1, like I can in an image.

I found the commend:

ModifyGizmo aspectratio=1

but it wasn't doing what I expected, appreciate if you can help.



Sure, attached is an example.

In it, you will find two Gizmos opened, one vertically stretched, the other horizontally stretched.
I am finding a way to make the Gizmo windows themselves to have a 1:1 aspect ratio.

Also I should have mentioned:

I am running Igor Pro on Windows 10, the x64 version.

Demo.pxp (2.99 MB)

Hello Sandbo,

Please explain what you mean by 1:1 aspect ratio.  In 3D you have 3 dimensions to consider.  Your data in this case is a parametric wave which means that you define the range in all three dimension.

I executed the following commands (you can also see these values from Gizmo Menu->Axis Range...):

matrixop/o lx=singleMode_theory[][][0]
matrixop/o ly=singleMode_theory[][][1]
matrixop/o lz=singleMode_theory[][][2]
print waveMin(lx),waveMax(lx)
  -0.32476  0.32476
print waveMin(ly),waveMax(ly)
  -0.105469  0.105469
print waveMin(lz),waveMax(lz)
  -1  1

At this point, an aspect ratio of 1 as implied by the command above would display the z-extent ~10 times larger than y and ~3x the x direction as implied by the data. 



In reply to by Igor

Igor wrote:

Hello Sandbo,

Please explain what you mean by 1:1 aspect ratio.  In 3D you have 3 dimensions to consider.  Your data in this case is a parametric wave which means that you define the range in all three dimension.

I executed the following commands (you can also see these values from Gizmo Menu->Axis Range...):

•matrixop/o lx=singleMode_theory[][][0]
•matrixop/o ly=singleMode_theory[][][1]
•matrixop/o lz=singleMode_theory[][][2]
•print waveMin(lx),waveMax(lx)
  -0.32476  0.32476
•print waveMin(ly),waveMax(ly)
  -0.105469  0.105469
•print waveMin(lz),waveMax(lz)
  -1  1

At this point, an aspect ratio of 1 as implied by the command above would display the z-extent ~10 times larger than y and ~3x the x direction as implied by the data. 




Thanks for your reply, my apology if I was confusing. 

Here by 1:1 aspect ratio, I am referring to the Gizmo window itself, meaning that I wanted them to be exactly a square. The reason is that the exported graphics (PNG) will be affected by this arbitrary aspect ratio. I could do it roughly, but when I match them to a table (in illustrator), I can see they always have a bit of stretching.

Please refer to the attached image for a more accurate demo. They are not very important to be exactly 1:1, I believe a small distortion is important, but I wondered if there is a command to set them as a square more easily.

If it is truly the entire window that needs to be square, you can use the MoveWindow command to achieve that.