Igor is slow in a new laptop

Recently I installed Igor 6 in a new laptop (Lenovo X1 Carbon). It is working way much slower. Repopulating graphs while booting an pxp file or performing curve fitting on multiple waves in a graph is at least 3 times slower. Did anyone else experience a similar problem?
System specs: 64 bit windows pro, 16 gb ram, CPU 2.7 ghz up to 3.5 ghz, 1 TB SSD
Your description of the problem is a bit ambiguous, so let me ask a few question (I am not sure I can help, but others may):
1) Slower compared to what? A different PC (what specs)? A different Igor version?
2) What exact Igor version are you using? The latest update? Also, note that Igor has advanced to version 8 already. You may want to install the demo version to compare the performance there.
3) Do you have one concrete and easy to verify example where the performance is slower? Maybe you can attach a minimal experiment file?
4) In Igor 6.1 there was a new graphics drawing mode introduced. Since you also seem to have problems with rendering graphs, maybe this is related. Execute the following in the command line to read more:
DisplayHelpTopic "New Graphics"
September 11, 2018 at 07:37 pm - Permalink
5) Are you running on battery and the energy saving features kill performance?
September 26, 2018 at 10:58 am - Permalink
Thank you for the responses.
Regarding the questions:
It is slow in comparison across computers (laptop vs desktop pc with same version Igor 6).
Two examples as concrete: 1) Let's say, I have 30 graph windows, it takes double the time when I open the project file to populate these windows. 2) When I want to perform an exponential fit on a group of traces in a graph, it takes similarly longer times, at least 3-times longer.
Someone suggested that high-resolution display (2560 x 1440 pixel) on the computer might cause such problems. T
Upon advise, I recently bought and installed the Igor8. It is definitely faster but still staying behind the Igor installed on a desktop PC counter-part.
September 26, 2018 at 11:33 am - Permalink
Does this also happen with other (benchmark) software? I have no problem with slowdowns on a 4k display here. So I wonder if the notebook isn't just slower in general (maybe due to battery saving options).
You can try to run the benchmark to get some numbers. Go to File => Example Experiments => Testing => benchmark 2.02 and run some stuff there.
September 26, 2018 at 06:48 pm - Permalink