Problem with alert dialog

I have two radio buttons and wrote a function for them, that only one of them can be checked at the same time. Depending which radio button is chosen a global variable is set to 1 or 2. When I switch between the two radio buttons I have an alert dialog to remind me to switch valves.
My problem is when I want to close my whole panel the alert dialog appears two times in a row and I have to click "Ok" each time. And only then the panel is closed.
I don't know where the mistake is and why it opens two times.
Here is my code for the radio buttons.
Thank you in advance.
Function particle_size_proc(cb):CheckboxControl
STRUCT WMCheckboxAction &cb
NVAR ParticleSizeG=root:ParticleSizeG
DoAlert/T="Check Valves" 0, "Please switch the valves!"
strswitch (cb.ctrlname)
case "PM1_panel":
case "PM1_10_panel":
CheckBox PM1_panel,value=ParticleSizeG==1
CheckBox PM1_10_panel,value=ParticleSizeG==2
Your particle_size_proc function is called multiple times for different events. The eventCode field of the cb structure parameter tells you which event has occurred. You need to switch on cb.eventCode.
I see that the example function MyCheckProc in the documentation for the Checkbox operation omits this switch. I will fix that for the next release.
Here is an example. For clarity, I have factored the click handling into a separate function.
July 18, 2018 at 08:11 am - Permalink
Thank you very much for your help. It works perfectly.
Just for a better understanding, what is the difference between using cb.eventCode and cb.ctrlname?
July 19, 2018 at 02:26 am - Permalink
Right-click "WMCheckboxAction" and choose "Help for WMCheckboxAction". That will take you to the reference documentation for the structure which explains each of the fields in it.
July 19, 2018 at 10:36 am - Permalink