old vs new page setup function in Layout

hello, I generally make my graphs all the same size, setting the margins and absolute window sizes. Partly for consistency, partly to choose a size that's easily readable on screen. In IGOR 6, I would put graphs in a layout and use the File/Page Setup to scale the % size of the layout in order to accomodate my graph sizes. This was nice and fast--change one number, all my graphs fit: don't have to resize the graphs individually (eg if I used auto-sizing, I'd often find my graph formatting would change uncontrollably). In IGOR 7 (and perhaps now 8, but haven't tried it yet), I see a dialog pop up about how the page setup only impacts printing. And indeed, changing the % leaves the page size (or rather, the relative size of the graphs) unchanged. So, I guess I have to change my approach! Is there a recommended way to vary graph size to fit however many graphs I want into a layout, that preserves the formatting I may have used in designing the graph? (apologies if this isn't clear. In short, I make graphs, want to put a bunch in layout, and not have to change the size of every individual graph....) Thanks!
Is there a recommended way to vary graph size to fit however many graphs I want into a layout
I think that, in Igor7, you should vary the size of the page to fit the graphs rather than the other way around. You set the size of the page using Layout->Page Size. Here is an example:
Function Demo()
    Make/O jack=sin(x), fred=cos(x)
    Display jack; Display fred
    AppendLayoutObject/F=1/T=0/R=(36,36,433,246) Graph Graph0
    AppendLayoutObject/F=1/T=0/R=(38,264,435,474) Graph Graph1
    // Set page size to fit graphs
    LayoutPageAction size(-1)=(468, 504), margins(-1)=(18, 18, 18, 18)
    // Magnify layout so it is easier to read on screen
    ModifyLayout mag=0.75
If that does not answer your question, post a simple example in the form of commands or an attached experiment. Also explain what your end goal is: viewing on screen, printing, exporting to a word processor, exporting to a web page, ...
hrodstein wrote:
Is there a recommended way to vary graph size to fit however many graphs I want into a layout
I think that, in Igor7, you should vary the size of the page to fit the graphs rather than the other way around. You set the size of the page using Layout->Page Size.
Ok; that menu option is sufficient. I generally print to pdf from the layout and go from there so in a sense the real "page size" doesn't matter--can always scale when I print to paper or add to a presentation. Thanks!