Fast way to raise a complex array to power n (element wise)
I am wondering if there is a way to speed up the operation:
SWaveN = Swave^n
I tried to look into FastOp and matrixOp, but it seems they do not have the ^ operation available (sorry if I missed).
Would there be another way?
June 4, 2018 at 10:21 am - Permalink
Thanks Igor for the prompt reply,
I tried the following code, where the old way was commented out.
for (n=0;n<size;n=n+1)
for (m=0;m<size;m=m+1)
MatrixOp/o ScWaveN = powC(ScWave,n)
MatrixOp/o SWaveM = powC(SWave,m)
MatrixOp/o momentWave = ScWaveN*SWaveM
MatrixOp/o theMean=mean(momentWave)
killwaves/z theMean
print stopMsTimer(t1)
They turned out slower, plus the CPU utilization stays around 15% on my i7-4790:
•fullMomentRecovery(1, "IQDataDG1_2058_0004", 11, 2.7637e6,1e6, 4.2044e9, -13.9,skip_u=1,startWave_u=4)
//Using MatrixOp as shown above
•fullMomentRecovery(1, "IQDataDG1_2058_0004", 11, 2.7637e6,1e6, 4.2044e9, -13.9,skip_u=1,startWave_u=4)
Did I apply it wrongly, or is there something I am missing?
June 4, 2018 at 11:06 am - Permalink
Not all MatrixOP functions have automatic multithreading so you need to be tricky in using it. How many points are in your wave?
June 4, 2018 at 12:49 pm - Permalink
Yes, I understand and I intended to do element by element multiplication of two arrays. Thanks for the note and I just updated the title.
The waves are 5e6 points each.
Also, I am on Igor 7 Version: (Build 31885) (Nightly build downloaded earlier today).
June 4, 2018 at 01:33 pm - Permalink
Have you tried the Multithread keyword as in
Multithread momentWave=(ScWave^n)*(SWave^m)
?June 4, 2018 at 11:50 pm - Permalink
sRadii = real(SWave)
sRadii = ln(sRadii)
sTheta = imag(SWave)
ScWave = r2polar(ScWave)
scRadii = real(ScWave)
scRadii = ln(scRadii)
scTheta = imag(ScWave)
//for(n=0; n<size; n=n+1)
scRadiiN = (n) * scRadii
scRadiiN = exp(scRadiiN)
scThetaN = (n) * scTheta
//for (m=0; m<size; m=m+1)
sRadiiM = (m) * sRadii
sRadiiM = exp(sRadiiM)
sThetaM = (m) * sTheta
momentWaveR = scRadiiN * sRadiiM
momentWaveT = scThetaN + sThetaM
momentWave = cmplx(momentWaveR, momentWaveT)
momentWave = p2rect(momentWave)
SWave = p2rect(SWave)
ScWave = p2rect(ScWave)
June 5, 2018 at 05:41 am - Permalink
It looks to me like you only have two source waves ScWave and SWave that you are raising to the power of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 etc... If that is true couldn't you use the previous result for ScWave^n to calculate the next value ScWave^(n+1) simply as the old value times ScWave? Wouldn't that be faster, especially for large values of n?
It also looks like you are recalculating ScWave^n for each value of SWave^m. I would suggest to first calculate all values of ScWave^n then all values of SWave^m and then do the multiplication of the two.
June 5, 2018 at 05:35 am - Permalink
That's a good catch, I totally missed that and spent a lot of extra computation time. Thanks for pointing it out.
I should probably create a higher dimension wave and compute the ScWave^n and SWave^m recursively first, then call them in the ScWaveN*SWaveM loop.
June 5, 2018 at 08:29 am - Permalink
Thanks for the info, I didn't know I should do this. Now the CPU utilization goes up to 50% most of the time and they run much faster.
June 5, 2018 at 08:33 am - Permalink