Rescaling axes on a color table bar

I am trying to create a colored scale bar to use for a waterfall plot of several diffraction spectrum. Each spectrum was taken at a different concentration value, and I have colored each trace accordingly. I want to create an image that plots the color as a function of this concentration.

I have attempted to do this as follows:
<br />
Make/O/N=(256,30) cbar=p*(0.672/254)<br />
Display;AppendImage cbar<br />
ModifyImage cbar ctab= {*,*,ametrineCTAB,0}<br />
End<br />

The resulting plot is attached.

It seems that the x-axis runs the range of the index of the wave, rather than the values in each column (which run from about 0 to 0.7). I have tried using SetScale to change this, but nothing seems to happen. A 3d surface of this color bar image seems to have the z-values running from 0 to 0.7, however.

How can I change the x-axis scaling to reflect the correct range of values?

If you're using Igor 7, take a look at:

DisplayHelpTopic "Color Table Waves"

which allows you to use the same color wave with different data ranges.

And look in the Igor Pro Folder/Color Tables for Igor binary waves of various color table waves, including Ametrine.

--Jim Prouty
Software Engineer, WaveMetrics, Inc.
Hi John, that worked! Thanks.

Jim, the yellow end of the VioletOrangeYellow table got a bit too bright to show up well on my figure, and I was struggling to limit the range it sampled from.
