Variable name dereferencing?

My solution would be to get a list of the local variable names that I want to store in the output wave, then loop through the names, then dereference the variable names to assign the local variable values:
//...at the end of some long function that has generated a bunch of local variables that need to be stored String localVarList=variablelist("*",";",-1) //let's imagine -1 variableTypeCode selects local variables Make/o/d/n=(Itemsinlist(localVarList)) output output[]=$stringfromlist(p,localVarList) //does not compile, as expected
Another option that comes to mind is to make the output wave at the start of the function and then use dimension labels to give each index a meaningful name. I have always hesitated to do this because I have assumed that [%labelString] indexing involves string searches/comparisons to find the label's index, likely adding a lot of run time over many calls to the function.
Here's a function I made recently where I wrote out all the assignments (or at least I hope I did). I've also included my alternative (wishful thinking) syntax. I hope this example communicates the work that I am trying (or, rather, desperate) to avoid. Thanks for any input!
function exFunc(dur,wv1,cmdCopWv,bEffWv,diodeWv,wv1IntByTimeX,wv1IntEndForSlope,wv1LastIntTimeX,effCopyOnOffThreshold,cmdStartP,outWv,durNum,repNum,doLbls) Variable dur,durNum,repNum WAVE/D wv1,cmdCopWv,bEffWv,diodeWv Variable wv1IntByTimeX,wv1IntEndForSlope,wv1LastIntTimeX,effCopyOnOffThreshold,cmdStartP //start and end for line slope fit and baseline for diode wave outWv Variable doLbls Variable avgWins=0.001 //get a bunch of parameters make/o/d/free/n=2 coefs CurveFit/M=2/W=0 line, kwCWave=coefs, wv1[x2pnt(wv1,wv1IntByTimex),x2pnt(wv1,wv1IntEndForSlope)]/D Double wv1lineOffset=coefs[0] //need to store this... Double wv1lineSlope=coefs[1]//and this... Variable wv1AvgStartX=wv1LastIntTimeX-avgWins duplicate/o/r=(wv1AvgStartX,wv1LastIntTimeX) wv1,wv1Temp wv1Temp-=(wv1lineOffset+wv1lineSlope*X) Double wv1Avg=mean(wv1Temp,wv1AvgStartX,wv1LastIntTimeX) //and this... Variable cmdTimingOK = cmdCopWv[cmdStartP] > 3 Variable wv1AvgStartP=x2pnt(wv1, wv1AvgStartX) //and this... Variable wv1AvgEndP=x2pnt(wv1, wv1LastIntTimeX) //and this... Double effSum=sum(bEffWv,wv1AvgStartX,wv1LastIntTimeX) //and so on... Double effArea=area(bEffWv,wv1AvgStartX,wv1LastIntTimeX) Variable effSumRange=wv1LastIntTimeX-wv1AvgStartX Variable effSumPnts=wv1AvgEndP-wv1AvgStartP make/o/d/n=0 risingLevels,fallingLevels Variable cmdStartX=pnt2x(bEffWv,cmdStartP) FindLevels/D=risingLevels/EDGE=1/Q/R=(cmdStartX,wv1LastIntTimeX) bEffWv, effCopyOnOffThreshold Variable effNoRising= V_flag==2 FindLevels/D=fallingLevels/EDGE=2/Q/R=(cmdStartX,wv1LastIntTimeX) bEffWv, effCopyOnOffThreshold Variable effNoFalling = V_flag==2 Variable effNumRiseLevels=dimsize(risingLevels,0) Variable effNumFallLEvels=dimsize(fallingLevels,0) Variable effnFallnRiseDiff=effNumFallLEvels-effNumRiseLevels Variable effnFallnRiseMismatch= effnFallnRiseDiff!=0 Variable effStartX=nan,effEndX=nan if (!effNoRising) effStartX=risingLevels[0] endif if (!effNoFalling) effEndX=fallingLEvels[effNumFallLEvels-1] endif Variable diodeBaselineEndX=wv1IntEndForSlope VAriable diodeBaselineStartX=diodeBaselineEndX-avgWins Double diodeBaseline=mean(diodeWv,diodeBaselineEndX,diodeBaselineStartX) Variable diodeStartX=diodeBaselineEndX Variable diodeEndX=wv1AvgStartX Variable diodeStartP=x2pnt(diodeWv,diodeStartX) Variable diodeEndP=x2pnt(diodeWv,diodeEndX) duplicate/o/r=(diodeStartX,wv1AvgStartX) diodeWv,diodeTemp diodeTemp-=diodeBaseline Double diodeSum=sum(diodeTemp) Double diodeArea=area(diodeTemp) Variable diodeSumRange=diodeEndX-diodeStartX Variable diodeSumPnts=diodeEndP-diodeStartP wavestats/q diodeTemp Double diodePeakLocX=V_minloc Double diodePeakValX=V_min Double diodeHalfMaxVal = diodePeakValX * 0.5 FindLevel/EDGE=2/Q diodeTemp, diodeHalfMaxVal Variable diodeFindRisingFail=V_flag Double diodeRisingX=V_levelx FindLevel/EDGE=1/Q diodeTemp, diodeHalfMaxVal Variable diodeFindFallingFail=V_flag Double diodeFallingX=V_levelx Double diodeFWHM=diodeFallingX-diodeRisingX Variable diodeUnexpectedORder=diodeFWHM < 0 //store the bunch of parameters... if (doLbls) string lbls="wv1lineOffset;wv1lineSlope;wv1AvgStartX;wv1Avg;cmdTimingOK;wv1AvgStartP;wv1AvgEndP;effSum;effArea;effSumRange;effSumPnts;cmdStartX;effNoRising;effNoFalling;" lbls+="effNumRiseLevels;effNumFallLEvels;effnFallnRiseDiff;effnFallnRiseMismatch;effStartX;effEndX;diodeBaselineEndX;diodeBaselineStartX;diodeBaseline;" lbls+="iodeStartX;diodeEndX;diodeStartP;diodeEndP;diodeSum;diodeArea;diodeSumRange;diodeSumPnts;diodePeakLocX;diodePeakValX;diodeHalfMaxVal;" lbls+="diodeFindRisingFail;diodeRisingX;diodeFindFallingFail;diodeFallingX;diodeFWHM;diodeUnexpectedORder;" dl_assignLblsFromList(outwv,0,0,lbls,"",0) //loops through the list of labels and assigns that to the dimension of interest (rows) endif //DESIRED SYNTAX (will not compile, as expected) outwv[][repNum][durNum]=$stringfromlist(p,lbls) //even better desired syntax (would not require me to have to keep an up-to-date list of all the variables I might want to store String localVarList=variablelist("*",";",-1) //let's imagine -1 variableTypeCode selects local variables outwv[][repNum][durNum]=$stringfromlist(p,localVarList) //current syntax variable i i=0;outwv[i][repNum][durNum]=wv1lineOffset i+=1;outwv[i][repNum][durNum] = wv1lineSlope i+=1;outwv[i][repNum][durNum] = wv1AvgStartX i+=1;outwv[i][repNum][durNum] = wv1Avg i+=1;outwv[i][repNum][durNum] = cmdTimingOK i+=1;outwv[i][repNum][durNum] = wv1AvgStartP i+=1;outwv[i][repNum][durNum] = wv1AvgEndP i+=1;outwv[i][repNum][durNum] = effSum i+=1;outwv[i][repNum][durNum] = effArea i+=1;outwv[i][repNum][durNum] = effSumRange i+=1;outwv[i][repNum][durNum] = effSumPnts i+=1;outwv[i][repNum][durNum] = cmdStartX i+=1;outwv[i][repNum][durNum] = effNoRising i+=1;outwv[i][repNum][durNum] = effNoFalling i+=1;outwv[i][repNum][durNum] = effNumRiseLevels i+=1;outwv[i][repNum][durNum] = effNumFallLEvels i+=1;outwv[i][repNum][durNum] = effnFallnRiseDiff i+=1;outwv[i][repNum][durNum] = effnFallnRiseMismatch i+=1;outwv[i][repNum][durNum] = effStartX i+=1;outwv[i][repNum][durNum] = effEndX i+=1;outwv[i][repNum][durNum] = diodeBaselineEndX i+=1;outwv[i][repNum][durNum] = diodeBaselineStartX i+=1;outwv[i][repNum][durNum] = diodeBaseline i+=1;outwv[i][repNum][durNum] = diodeStartX i+=1;outwv[i][repNum][durNum] = diodeEndX i+=1;outwv[i][repNum][durNum] = diodeStartP i+=1;outwv[i][repNum][durNum] = diodeEndP i+=1;outwv[i][repNum][durNum] = diodeSum i+=1;outwv[i][repNum][durNum] = diodeArea i+=1;outwv[i][repNum][durNum] = diodeSumRange i+=1;outwv[i][repNum][durNum] = diodeSumPnts i+=1;outwv[i][repNum][durNum] = diodePeakLocX i+=1;outwv[i][repNum][durNum] = diodePeakValX i+=1;outwv[i][repNum][durNum] = diodeHalfMaxVal i+=1;outwv[i][repNum][durNum] = diodeFindRisingFail i+=1;outwv[i][repNum][durNum] = diodeRisingX i+=1;outwv[i][repNum][durNum] = diodeFindFallingFail i+=1;outwv[i][repNum][durNum] = diodeFallingX i+=1;outwv[i][repNum][durNum] = diodeFWHM i+=1;outwv[i][repNum][durNum] = diodeUnexpectedORder end
. Plus, double precision variables wouldn't be an option as far as I know.March 9, 2018 at 06:41 am - Permalink
J. J. Weimer
Chemistry / Chemical & Materials Engineering, UAH
March 9, 2018 at 04:30 pm - Permalink
Even if there does turn out to be a workaround, it seems like it would be great to be able to get a reference even for pass-by-value local variables (String, Variable, Double)? One would need a nameofwave() like function for these and NVAR/SVAR for local variables. Perhaps the local variables are handled in a way that makes this problematic to implement?
March 10, 2018 at 09:28 am - Permalink
The extensive and exhaustive copy+paste+expand+re-do method to carry around local variables just seems to me to be an answer in search of a reasonable use-case.
J. J. Weimer
Chemistry / Chemical & Materials Engineering, UAH
March 10, 2018 at 10:18 am - Permalink
For me, the action of interest is to loop through a bunch of local variables (to store them in an output wave for graphing or to pass to other functions). The copy+paste+exapnd+re-do method is one way to go about it (and perhaps the only way currently).
It so happens that if I were using global variables (or many individual waves), I would have a second option. I could loop through globals of interest with WaveList(...), StringList(...), VariableList(...) and WAVE, SVAR, and NVAR. I think it would be great if I could do the same with local variables. It's a small concern, but I think it would make my code easier to maintain and modify. At the very least it would be more concise.
March 10, 2018 at 01:40 pm - Permalink
Here are three alternatives.
* Use a pre-defined structure and store/retrieve the parameters using get/put
* Use a pre-defined wave storage system
* Store to a string key=value list
Any one of these methods avoids the issues that you face.
I will leave to others who are wiser than me as to whether functions such as ListofLocalVariables and ListofLocalStings that you desire are desired overall and would indeed be robust enough to have.
J. J. Weimer
Chemistry / Chemical & Materials Engineering, UAH
March 11, 2018 at 07:19 am - Permalink
The thing is that you can instantiate a wave with the following syntax:
make/o/n=3 wave = {1,2,3}
.From here on you just generate the comma-separated list of variables in the current path and you execute the instantiation of the wave.
March 12, 2018 at 05:51 am - Permalink
I often prefer holding the variables in locals, then assigning them to an output wave at the end of a function. That way, it's easier to reuse the locals later on in the function and to keep track of the indexing of the output wave.
March 12, 2018 at 05:52 am - Permalink
Let me ask you: what function and/or how do you use the output wave? Do you "unpack" the wave by following this process in reverse? i.e. (
March 12, 2018 at 07:22 am - Permalink
I like the idea of using global variables and
, though it has some limitations that using local variables doesn't (e.g., conflicting names with other globals and no use of Double)In this case, I might compute statistics across a dimension (e.g., average a specific row and layer across columns, which hold the value of one parameter across replicates). I would also plot things like:
display/k=1 outwv[%parameterName0][][0] vs outwv[%parameterName1][][0]
. The only requirement for the order of the output wave rows is that it has to be consistent with the row labels.March 12, 2018 at 09:27 am - Permalink
Using locals within a function is not the problem. The problem is that you want an automatic way to infer whether they exist or not (to avoid having to remember and/or enter again manually).
In the meantime, I have another approach as you mention already above. Use dimension labels on the wave.
J. J. Weimer
Chemistry / Chemical & Materials Engineering, UAH
March 12, 2018 at 11:07 am - Permalink
Given the above, what was the meaning of your previous suggestion? Is [...] shorthand for multiple dimensions for example, Waveofvalues[][][]?
March 12, 2018 at 11:41 am - Permalink
The [...] was shorthand for index location. I'd forgotten entirely about dimension labels until this morning.
J. J. Weimer
Chemistry / Chemical & Materials Engineering, UAH
March 12, 2018 at 12:33 pm - Permalink
Here's the test function I made:
And here are a few example runs:
March 12, 2018 at 01:57 pm - Permalink
Alright, this is slowly becoming clearer.
You have an exhaustive list of parameters that are read from somewhere or calculated using something. You want to accumulate sets of the parameters over different experimental runs. You want to store the sets in a cohesive way. You want to analyze the sets within and across each other.
I see that you make the assumption that all variables are double precision.
Locally, I would set up a structure. Each variable in the structure would have the same size (double). I would accumulate the values into the structure, referencing them therefore by name. I would use FBinWrite to store the structure. When the time came to analyze the data, I would use FBinRead to read the sets of structures back into waves (or to columns in a matrix). I would pre-define dimension labels in the waves (or matrix) as need to make the administrative duties of the analysis easier. Or, I would just read only those parts of the stored structure that I want to analyze rather than carrying around everything.
J. J. Weimer
Chemistry / Chemical & Materials Engineering, UAH
March 12, 2018 at 01:25 pm - Permalink
Thanks for the input. I agree that this is a solid approach, though it still requires pre-defining the structure values by name, as you point out.
March 12, 2018 at 01:56 pm - Permalink
You can resolve the labels outside the loop using FindDimLabel.
March 12, 2018 at 02:11 pm - Permalink
Absolutely. However, in that case, in the loop, you have to keep track of the parameters' index, which is arbitrary. I think it would be great if Igor could handle more of that arbitrary stuff for the programmer. Using local variables with a meaningful name and then having a way to iterate through them seems like a good way. The earlier examples with
show exactly what I imagine, but it's currently only applicable to global variables.If it's even possible to implement this wish, I suppose Igor's iteration through the locals would have some overhead of its own. I am of course not sure how it would compare to directly indexing.
March 12, 2018 at 02:42 pm - Permalink
and replace your local variables with a wave, so that
Variable avgWins=0.001
is replaced by
then you can archive like this:
March 14, 2018 at 07:57 am - Permalink
Thank you for the suggestion. The only missing part is that there's no automated way to label the dimensions of an output wave. If there were a ConstantList(...) function similar to
then one could loop through the constant names and assign them to labels. (I suppose the slight advantage of constants over global variables would be that they don't crowd the experiment space, though they could still lead to name conflicts, unlike local variables.)March 30, 2018 at 08:07 am - Permalink
I'm not sure why you would need to use dimension labels. The constants become de facto dimension labels (each one ties your variable name to a dimension index). If your code is all within one procedure file you can use
static constant
definitions and you only have to list the names once at the top of the file. It's not required, but sticking to the WM convention of a k prefix for constants will help avoid name conflicts.you would archive results like this:
and retrieve archived data like this:
,no transfer of dimension labels required.
So, w[kVariableName] and outwv[kVariableName][repNum][durNum] can be used instead of a variable that would have been named VariableName.
April 1, 2018 at 12:48 pm - Permalink
I think that's a good approach for many cases. However, I really like dimension labels and so I often want the names to end up stored in them. My short answer to why dimension labels is: keeping track of things and making graphs.
The slightly longer answer: They help me keep track of what is what across experiments and across time (as my code might at least potentially change across either one). Unlike constants, one can also index into a wave from the command line by referring to a dimension label e.g.
Display wave1[%param1] vs wave1[%param2]
. The dimension labels also work nicely with many built-in Igor interfaces. For example, when one plots by referring to a dimension label, the label can be seen in the Modify Trace Appearance dialogue, so one can come back to the trace later and easily recall what is plotted, and the Wave Subrange dialogue (from within the same Modify Trace Appearance Dialogue) also helpfully references dimension labels when present.April 17, 2018 at 03:22 pm - Permalink