I've posted (http://www.igorexchange.com/node/8213) some code that I use fairly often for this. It may need some modification for your purpose, depending on your requirements for file naming.
I wrote a pair of functions just recently, intended to save all graphs in an experiment. It tries to save to a folder called "graphs" that you can create by hand in advance or after the routine starts. To run it, execute SaveAllGraphs().
//Saves all graphs in experiment as PDF files in the//same folder as the experiment or in subfolder called "graphs"Function SaveAllGraphs()variable NGraphs, istring graphList, alertStr, currWindow
GraphList = WinList("*", ";", "WIN:1")
graphList = RemoveFromList("SnglMove", graphList)
NGraphs = itemsInList(GraphList)string homePathStr, graphPathStr
pathInfo home
homePathStr = S_path
graphPathStr = homePathStr + "graphs"newPath/O graphs, graphPathStr
print"will save graphs for all runs in " + graphPathStr
for(i = 0; i< NGraphs; i += 1)
currWindow = stringFromList(i, graphList)doWindow/F $currWindow
saveGraph()endForEnd//SaveAllGraphs//Save top window graph using its window's name//Top window must be a graph. Graph you want to save must be top window//Graph is saved as pdf file in folder called "graphs" in the home path (folder//of the current igor experiment), which you can create in advance or in response to the dialog//box that appears if "graphs" does not exist.//Filename is created from igor experiment name and graph window's titleFunction saveGraph()string windowTitleStr, titleFirstWord
//Obtain window's title's first word, to be used as part of the filename//e.g., if autonamed graph1:y vs x, then extract "graph1"getWindow kwTopWin, wtitle
//(I am getting title because I don't know how to get the window's name)
windowTitleStr = S_Value
titleFirstWord = stringFromList(0, windowTitleStr, ":")string exptName, fName
exptName = igorInfo(1)
fName = titleFirstWord + "_" + exptName
print"windowTitleStr", windowTitleStr
print"titleFirstWord", titleFirstWord
print"fName", fName
string alertStr
alertStr = "Will try to save graph with title " + windowTitleStr
alertStr += " as a pdf file in same folder as present Igor"
alertStr += " experiment, \nusing name " + fName
doWindow/H /F
print alertStr
SavePICT/Z/O/P=graphs/E=-2/W=(0,0,0,0) as fName
if(V_flag == 0)
alertStr = "Graph saved successfully."else
alertStr = "***An error occurred. Graph not saved"endIfprint alertStr
in a loop should do the job. For details, please consult the manual.HJ
March 1, 2018 at 02:33 am - Permalink
graph0, graph1, graph0
March 1, 2018 at 06:24 am - Permalink
March 1, 2018 at 07:01 am - Permalink
March 7, 2018 at 09:56 am - Permalink
Late question, but how do you want to export them... to an image file, printed, to the clipboard for pasting into document?
March 7, 2018 at 05:10 am - Permalink