Saving a graph without closing it

Is there a command line allowing me to save a graph macro without closing it?

Dowindow/R [windowname]

/R Replaces (updates) the window macro for the named window or creates it if it does not yet exist.

Also, Control-Y (on Windows) opens the Window Control dialog with the option to create/update the recreation macro.
hegedus wrote:

Dowindow/R [windowname]

/R Replaces (updates) the window macro for the named window or creates it if it does not yet exist.


tested. this works.
jtigor wrote:
Also, Control-Y (on Windows) opens the Window Control dialog with the option to create/update the recreation macro.

tested, not really saving.
peterming wrote:
jtigor wrote:
Also, Control-Y (on Windows) opens the Window Control dialog with the option to create/update the recreation macro.

tested, not really saving.


If you check the "Create Window Macro" check box ("Update Window Macro" if it already exists) on the Window Control dialog, Igor will create/update the macro in the Main Procedure. You have the opportunity to specify a name for the graph window and macro with the "Window Name" text box.

Works for me, but maybe I'm missing something here. You just wanted to save the window recreation macro to the experiment, right?
You'll need to call DoWindow/R using an Execute/P command if you are running a procedure to save the recreation macro into a procedure window.

--Jim Prouty
Software Engineer, WaveMetrics, Inc.