Loading Delimited Files as Waves

This is probably so simple, but I am having real issues getting this to work... it's driving me crazy as I know this should be a trivial job!
How do I load this type of file format (its a .txt file) as a series of waves?

0 -2.410889E-10
-4.577637E-04 -1.850281E-09
-9.155273E-04 -3.527832E-09
-1.373291E-03 -5.267334E-09
-1.831055E-03 -7.13501E-09
-2.288818E-03 -9.136963E-09
-2.746582E-03 -1.11969E-08
-3.204346E-03 -1.327209E-08
-3.662109E-03 -1.535339E-08
-4.119873E-03 -1.744385E-08
-4.577637E-03 -1.948852E-08
-.0050354 -2.158508E-08

I want two waves, called wave0 and wave1.
I've tried this LoadWave/O/Q/A/J/V={" "," ",0,0} filename

Any help as deciphering the help files would be great.
It appears that your data is space-delimited but it has a strange line with a comma in it.

Try using Load General Text (LoadWave/G) instead of Load Delimited Text (LoadWave/J). Load General Text is able to hunt down where the data is in a file and automatically skip garbage whereas Load Delimited Text needs to be told where the data is because it can load dates, times and string data as well as numeric data.

For details, execute this:

DisplayHelpTopic "Comparison of General Text, Fixed Field and Delimited Text"

and for more general information:

DisplayHelpTopic "Importing and Exporting Data"


I managed to solve this with the following
LoadWave/A/D/J/W/K=0/V={" "," $",0,0}/L={0,2,0,0,0} wavename

It produced 3 waves, wave0, wave1 and wave2, but that was not a problem for me.

Thanks again,