Igor Pro Autocomplete Survey

We're considering implementing autocomplete on the command line and in procedure windows for a future version of Igor Pro. We want some feedback from our users to help plan the possible implementation of this feature, so we've created a short survey at https://wavemetrics.typeform.com/to/WiIWFL.

Feel free to share the link with colleagues that use Igor Pro.
aclight wrote:
We're considering implementing autocomplete on the command line and in procedure windows for a future version of Igor Pro. We want some feedback from our users to help plan the possible implementation of this feature, so we've created a short survey at https://wavemetrics.typeform.com/to/WiIWFL.

Feel free to share the link with colleagues that use Igor Pro.

So Greate!

I want to know when can we use this feature?
Autocomplete of built-in functions and operations is implemented in Igor Pro 8. We plan to start beta testing in the next few months.