Multifile multifolder general text load


I am very new to programming and have been using Igor completely from the dialogue window.

What I need is a way to load a ton of data in general text files collected from my oscilloscope. Each file contains both time and amplitude data. I
I would like to be able to just select a folder (i.e. Documents\experiments\19SEP2017) which contains many folders each with 4 .txt files named M1,M2,M3, and M4.
The subfolders with the files are named cxxxxsy.yy where xxxx and y.yy are two important numbers I would like to be in the wave name. Additionally, the x axis (time) for each set of 4 files are identical, so I only need one x wave for each subfolder.

So, after all is said and done I would like to load all my waves to where M1 becomes timexxxxyyy and sxxxxyyy M2 becomes pxxxxyyy M3 becomes onxxxxyyy and M4 becomes offxxxxyyy.

Processing the data is another question for another day. I'll stick with working on those manually.

Can anyone help me with this?

Thank you,