Error "One or more of the input waves are not supported." in Interpolate3D


I have a problem with Interpolate3D. The problem is that when I tried to execute this command it returns error message saying "One or more of the input waves are not supported.". I am pretty sure I have checked all of the input and flags that they should conform with the command's syntax. Here's what I execute

Interpolate3D /RNGX={0.8,0.012,80}/RNGY={1.25,0.012,80}/RNGZ={0.1,1,1}/DEST=fu_interp triangulationWave=M_3DVertexList, srcWave=fu_xyz

fu_xyz is a 2D and 4-column wave with the first three column specifying the x,y,z triplet for the corresponding fu(x,y,z) in the 4th column. The wave M_3DVertexList was first obtained using triangulate3d using an input of 2D and 3-column wave (e.g. wave name xyz) where its three columns are identical to the the first 3 columns of fu_xyz. I guess these all already satisfies interpolate3d requirements.
It is difficult to guess the exact reason that your input is found to be inappropriate. Please send an experiment containing the relevant data to so we can investigate it.

WaveMetrics, Inc.
I solved the problem. It turns out that the range for the z coordinates is too small causing the the tetrahedron to be too thin which have been documented to be problematic.