Appending strings to a textwave??
I have this program that, pretty much, fills a wave full of numbers that are each associated with a wave in root:. Ex. I have 20 waves in root, i generate 20 new numbers, each associated with a wave in root:. the way I do this is Not too tricky but the coode is a mess to look at so I don't want to put it here :(. In common language, I use a do-while loop to iterate with a counter and each time the counter runs, the next slot in the destination wave is filled, corresponding to the counter, using wave[i] = sourcewave[0], where imax corresponds to the number of source waves.
to the meat of the question though.
as this fills a master wave up with numerical values, I also want to fill a text wave up with the names of the source waves so I will have one wave that looks like this.
and a corresponding text wave that looks like this
master textwave
The problem I am running in to is that frmulating text waves is not the same as doing so for normal waves and it seems like I must know what is going to be in all of the spots and can't simply make a wave and fill it with each iteration in a do-while loop. Any input on this would be greatly appreciated. I can certainly answer questions to clarify, and I can also put my ugly code up, but that's hopefully last resort :D
thanks in advance
Variable nWaves = ItemsInList(wList)
Make/O/T/N=(nWaves) masterTextWave // the /T flag tells Igor it's a text wave
Make/O/N=(nWaves) masterWave
String wName
Variable i
for (i = 0; i < nWaves; i += 1)
wName = StringFromList(i, wList)
// store name of wave
masterTextWave[i] = wName // assign string to ith row of textwave
// store your info
Wave w0 = $wName
masterWave[i] = w0[0]
That's untested but you should get the idea from that.
June 13, 2017 at 11:55 am - Permalink
June 13, 2017 at 12:23 pm - Permalink
DFREF MyFolder=root:
// Counts the number of waves in the folder
Variable n=CountObjectsDFR(MyFolder, 1)
// Creates a list of all waves in the folder
Make/O/WAVE/N=(n) MyWaves=WaveRefIndexedDFR(MyFolder, p)
You can then use
to get the names at any point later on, if you for any reason need the names.June 13, 2017 at 11:30 pm - Permalink
June 14, 2017 at 06:59 am - Permalink