Executescript not executing...
J-E Petit
I have written a procedure which controls the writing of a batch file and executes it through
here is the command:
executeScriptText/Z/B "C:\\hysplit4\\cluster\\working\\batch_CCONTROL.bat"
Although the batch with this command is launched on my computer, it is not the case on other PCs.... is there any known reason why this should happen?
some hints:
- tried to run Igor in Administrator mode, but doesn't work.
- removed the /Z flag, but didn't get an error message.
- here is the function that writes the batch file
Function CCONTROL_batch() SetDataFolder root:ZeFir:data2use: NVAR/Z Hours2Cluster=root:ZeFir:Traj_A:variables:Hours2Cluster NVAR/Z SkipTraj=root:ZeFir:Traj_A:variables:SkipTraj NVAR/Z SkipEndpoints=root:ZeFir:Traj_A:variables:SkipEndpoints string Batch_str="" Batch_str+="cd C:/hysplit4/cluster/working/;" Batch_str+="echo "+num2str(Hours2Cluster)+" >>CCONTROL;" Batch_str+="echo "+num2str(SkipTraj)+" >>CCONTROL;" Batch_str+="echo "+num2str(SkipEndpoints)+" >>CCONTROL;" Batch_str+="echo C:/hysplit4/cluster/working/ >>CCONTROL;" Batch_str+="echo 0 >>CCONTROL;" Batch_str+=";" Batch_str+="/hysplit4/exec/cluster;" Make/T/O/N=(ItemsInList(batch_str, ";")) batch_txt batch_txt = StringFromList(p, batch_str, ";") Newpath/O/Q BatchPath, "C:hysplit4:cluster:working:" sleep/s 1 Save/T/G/O/M="\r\n"/P=BatchPath Batch_txt as "batch_CCONTROL.bat" Killwaves batch_txt End Function
May 12, 2017 at 10:43 am - Permalink